From Thursday morning to the weekend, Texas residents should expect freezing temperatures and icy conditions; tens of thousands of people are already without power. Sound familiar? The storm isn’t expected to be as bad as 2021’s historic winter blast, and officials “do not expect systemwide blackouts” to the energy grid. But speaking as someone who lives in Texas, it’s hard to have faith in our state leaders when 246 people died (although some estimates have the total closer to 750) during last year’s freeze.
Case in point: while Texans prepared for the worst in lengthy grocery store lines, Ted Cruz (the actual worst) was working on his stand-up routine on Twitter.
“Inflation is out of control. Gas prices are [up emoji]. Food prices are [up emoji]. Lumber prices are [up emoji]. And tickets to Cancun are up 32%!” the senator tweeted ahead of the storm. It was a joke about his cowardly trip to Cancun while his constituents froze to death (which he blamed on his daughters), but he was the only one who was laughing.
“And tickets to Cancun are up 32%!”
This is really disturbing. Sociopaths won’t be shamed, especially when his supporters only want to suck Trump’s dick and own the libz. You can say whatever you want, there are no consequences. https://t.co/WJ91mZwi7e
— Kelly
(@kellybsabbath) February 2, 2022
This sociopath is making a joke about the time he abandoned his state in the face of disaster and 700 people died. https://t.co/F6G0N6S18J
— wishbone backbone funnybone (@pragressive7) February 3, 2022
Here’s hoping the families that lost loved ones during that storm where you ran away because you couldn’t even stand up to your teenage daughters, find this as funny as you seem to. Maybe someone will sue you because of your neglect. That would be grand. https://t.co/Ra5skJJiIs
— sudysas (@SudySAS) February 3, 2022
Isn’t it funny how I bailed on my state as people literally froze in their houses? Aren’t I a stinker? Classic me right? https://t.co/sIzEgULng4
— Sarah Jane she/her (@Sarahjanecares) February 3, 2022
He thinks it’s funny. https://t.co/NJDZOzhwq3
— Brendini (@bfaucheux1) February 3, 2022
I also love joking about people freezing to death. Hilarious. https://t.co/opDjGdC4Qy
— Troy (@ivyleaguereport) February 3, 2022
246 Texans died the last time you flew to Cancun. What’s wrong with you Senator? HAVE YOU NO SHAME? #TedCruzIsOffensiveAndInsulting https://t.co/wksK88xHkY
— Scott Uhl (@ScottUhlTX) February 3, 2022
Get it? Cuz Ted left the state as 700 Texans died lol come on it’s comedy people! https://t.co/50wGdEusya
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) February 3, 2022
Great Teddy, you got jokes while your constituents got frozen to death https://t.co/8MDhp0N3kB
— Dara Does Deep State (@daralynn13) February 3, 2022
Texans froze to death last year when you ran off to Cancun, you insufferable ball-less man. But go ahead and laugh. Laugh at the Texans who died when you bailed, @tedcruz. https://t.co/LYDW8t6U0r
— Kimberley Johnson (@AuthorKimberley) February 2, 2022
The Texanist doesn’t typically “do” politics but at the same time an estimated 250 of our fellow Texans (some put the number much higher) were dying miserable deaths and hundreds of thousands more were suffering in last year’s freeze, Senator Cruz fled to Mexico. https://t.co/XLjP6vhY2x
— The Texanist (@thetexanist) February 2, 2022
Another tweet, Cruz wrote, “It is better to be over prepared than underprepared for winter weather. Things to have on hand as the winter weather approaches: Extra warm clothes & blankets, portable lights and extra batteries, first-aid kit, [and] extra nonperishable food and water for family and pets.” You can imagine the replies to that one. Actually, you don’t have to. Here you go:
And keep your dog sitter on standby. https://t.co/Y2amP3v0as
— Grant Stern is boosted! (@grantstern) February 3, 2022
Think before you tweet, Ted. Or better yet, don’t tweet.