“Hi, I’m Johnny Knoxville, welcome to the number one movie in the country.”
Jackass Forever made underwater fart history to the top of the box office this weekend after earning $23.5 million on a reported $10 million budget. It’s only the second time since early December that a movie other than Spider-Man: No Way Home finished in first place; the other was Scream. This is a win for everyone who enjoys the theatrical experience, full frontal male nudity (SO much nudity), and guys named Poopies.
Ticket buyers were overwhelmingly male at 68%, while 25% were over the age of 35 and 67% were between 18 and 34. “In a business that doesn’t surprise all that often, it’s sure nice to know that surprises — good ones — can still happen,” says Chris Aronson, Paramount’s president of domestic distribution. “I was heartened by the percentage of moviegoers over 35. Who knew?”
Jackass Forever has an 85 percent “Fresh” rating on Rotten Tomatoes, compared to 49 percent for 2002’s Jackass, 64 percent for 2006’s Jackass: Number Two, and 66 percent for 2010’s Jackass 3. That’s what we call societal growth, folks.
In a glowing review, our own Vince Mancini wrote, “Did we really need for this Jackass to be the ‘best Jackass ever?’ This merely reveals the basic truth that Jackass is still Jackass‘s only competition. I was more than content for the new Jackass to merely be what Jackass has always been: a good hang.”
What was your favorite Jackass Forever stunt? I’m partial to “Vomitron.”
(Via Variety)