(SPOILERS for this week’s Power Book IV: Force will be found below.)
In just the second episode of 50 Cent’s currently airing Power Book IV: Force (on Starz), Tommy Egan is already ruffling feathers in his brief time in Chicago. He’s entangled himself in a love triangle with Gloria, who’s a local bartender, and Vic, who’s slowly become a rival to Tommy. Elsewhere, Tommy and Diamond are forced to accomplish a nearly impossible task in 24 hours. Tommy also makes the decision to stick around in Chicago for the foreseeable future rather than head out to Los Angeles as he was originally supposed to. Despite all of the new things that Tommy is experiencing, there are also elements of his past that have come back to him.
Who Is Liliana In ‘Power’? The Season 1 Character Returns
Just ten minutes into episode two of Power Book IV: Force, Tommy is attacked by a woman named Liliana who has a brutal scar across her face. Their battle gets interrupted after a cop drives by, but they meet again when Tommy breaks into her house at the end of the episode. A scuffle ensues while Tommy seeks the reason behind her initial attack against him earlier in the episode. He notes that she should’ve been killed during a prior incident that involved him, Liliana, and James St. Patrick (aka Ghost).
If you recall from the inaugural season of the original Power series, Liliana worked for Ghost and Tommy’s drug operation. In the second episode of that season, she was attacked with a knife by “Pink Sneakers” who was hired by an imprisoned Kanan to wreak havoc on Ghost and Tommy’s drug operation. After the attack, Tommy wanted to have Liliana killed, as she posed a risk to the team with her glaring scar. However, Ghost decided to promote Liliana to be a launderer/money counter, a move he made without consulting Tommy.