After kicking up a whole media circus by testing positive for COVID and then immediately going out to eat at a New York City restaurant, Sarah Palin‘s defamation suit against The New York Times has been dismissed. The former Alaska governor, whose reckless dining habits sparked an official warning from Mayor Eric Adams, was facing an uphill battle in proving the Times defamed her with a 2107 article, and now, it seems her misadventures in the Big Apple were for naught. Via The Daily Beast:
The lawsuit alleges that the Grey Lady intentionally tried to harm Palin in a 2017 piece entitled “America’s Lethal Politics.”
“My job is to apply the law,” Rakoff said on Monday, noting that he anticipates an appeal in the case. “The law sets a very high standard for actual malice and in this case the Court finds that standard has not been met.”
As the Beast notes, even Palin’s attorney expected this outcome. During his opening statement, attorney Shane Vogt flat-out admitted that he didn’t expect the lawsuit to succeed due to the landmark 1964 New York Times v. Sullivan ruling, which provides protection to journalists.
However, Palin’s trip to New York City wasn’t a total loss. On top of potentially spreading a deadly virus, she reportedly found time for romance with former New York Rangers Ron Duguay. The two claim to be just friends, but Duguay was by her side during her several COVID dinner outings, and she was spotted in court wearing a New York Rangers mask. You know what they say, unlucky in lawsuits, lucky in love.
(Via The Daily Beast)