I’m not sure if anyone explained to Mesha Collins how this “stalker” thing works, but it looks like she’s got at least some of the details backward. According to Radar Online, Los Angeles Superior Court documents show that Collins, who broke into Drake’s house in LA and apparently stole bottles of water, Pepsi, and Sprite in 2017, has now filed a petition for a restraining order against the rapper — this just days after a judge denied a motion to restart a $4 billion lawsuit she filed against him for invasion of privacy.
And as far as that restraining order goes, it seems that Drake is the one who needs to file against Collins. She reportedly returned to his house on multiple occasions, including one in which she was arrested for spitting on police officers who responded to security’s call for assistance. However, her luck and timing are apparently as bad as her grasp of boundaries; Drake wasn’t home either time she trespassed on his property.
Meanwhile, in summer 2021, Collins apparently filed the $4 billion claim against Drake without a lawyer, claiming that he shared private information about her in songs and defamed her by sharing her private information on Instagram. However, Drake reportedly never had any clue who Collins even was (apparently, he was never given the name of the woman who rifled through his fridge like a rabid raccoon), and Collins was unable to prove he’d ever posted anything about her, prompting a judge to dismiss the case. In her ongoing quest to meet her hero, it seems Collins is now betting a little reverse psychology will work where none of her previous efforts did.