On the heels of his new movie Three Months, which premiered Wednesday on Paramount+, Troye Sivan has released a new song. On “Wait,” taken from the movie’s soundtrack, Sivan teams up with fellow Australian singer-songwriter Gordi as they reel over the joys and woes of growing in love.
“One thing I am sure of, for you I’ll wait,” the two sing over dreamy synths and drums.
Three Months tells the story of Caleb (Sivan), a South Florida boy who learns he has been exposed to HIV on the night before his high school graduation. In the three months he waits to receive his results, Caleb finds love in an unlikely place.
Sivan and Gordi first collaborated on “Postcard,” a cut from Sivan’s sophomore album, Bloom. Gordi said of “Wait” in a statement, “”I love collaborating with Troye. He has this unique way of speaking in images that we then try and translate into melody and lyrics. Our instincts with songwriting really seem to align and after our work on ‘Postcard’, I was excited to have another chance to work together. He told me all about [Three Months] and said he wanted to write an original song for it. As a proud member of the queer community, I felt a deep connection to the film. We wanted to write a song that was worthy of the story.”
Check out “Wait” above.