In a world where “the celebs are at it again,” the Russian invasion of Ukraine has prompted some unsavory celebrity responses. That would include AnnaLynne McCord’s strange maternal-themed poetry aimed toward “Mister President Vladimir Putin.” In addition, John Cena decided to, uh, promote Peacemaker in an ill-received tweet. Well, the guy who portrayed Captain America isn’t taking a similar (self-promoting) approach.
Rather, Chris Evans is simply retweeting and asking people to look at a thread about what the Kremlin is capable of doing and is, in fact, willing to do to preserve its own interests. Evans pointed towards relevant information about Viktor Yushchenko, a former Ukrainian president who was horribly poisoned (and disfigured) while going up against the 2004 pro-Russian candidate (Viktor Yanukovich, then a prime minister).
This thread. https://t.co/AdomvK5VRO
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) February 24, 2022
Lots of Victors there, yes, but of course Russia flat-out denied having anything to with (as reported by Reuters) how Yushchenko (then an opposition candidate) went out for dinner (near Kiev) and somehow ended up with “1,000 times more dioxin than is normally present” in his body. He survived by the grace of doctors, who performed dozens of surgeries on him, and he did, in fact, win the presidency.
It’s an atrocity worth reflecting upon, given the damning coincidences of how Putin’s opponents mysteriously end up fatally poisoned (that link points toward the murder of Alexander Litvineko), and of course, then there are all of the journalists who are killed in Putin’s Russia as well. And languishing in jail right now would be Putin critic Alexei Nalvany, who’s facing a 15-year re-up to his prison sentence and is calling the Ukraine invasion a “distraction” from all of Putin’s problems.
(Via Reuters)