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Eric Trump Bragged About Their Family Having ‘A Tremendous Amount Of Cash’ After Taking Out A $100 Million Loan

Just when you think you’ve figured out who the dumbest member of the Trump family is, someone else makes an incredibly stupid statement that forces you to rethink your whole algorithm. When it comes to the Trump “kids,” Don Jr. is usually at the top of the list. But now Eric Trump is making a grab for the title after bragging about how the family and their businesses are flush with cash… right after cashing a huge loan check.

As Raw Story reports, Eric Trump made a statement earlier this week on the general financial health of the Trumps and their real estate portfolio and other business holdings after signing a $100 million refinance loan on Trump Tower, noting that:

“Trump Tower is one of the most iconic properties in the world and sits on arguably the most prestigious corner in all of New York. We have incredibly low debt, have a tremendous amount of cash, and have an extremely profitable company. We had no problem refinancing.”

As Raw Story wrote, Forbes first reported on the deal on Wednesday:

“Donald Trump refinanced Trump Tower in February, taking out a $100 million loan, according to documents recorded Tuesday by New York City’s Department of Finance,” Forbes magazine reported Wednesday. “Trump’s previous mortgage on his flagship piece of real estate, $100 million from commercial real estate investment trust Ladder Capital, was scheduled to come due in September.”

All of this, of course, comes in the wake of Mazars USA, Trump’s longtime personal and business accounting firm, dumping the former president as a client because they could not in good conscience stand behind the financial statements they had prepared for him for a solid decade, from 2011 to 2020.

According to Forbes, this new influx of cash came courtesy of Axos Bank of San Diego, an internet bank whose CEO has contributed loads of money to Republican campaigns dating all the way back to 2012, including a hefty donation to Trump himself.

(Via Raw Story)