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Don Jr. Claims YouTube Took Down One Of His Dad’s Videos Because The ‘Comments Were Awesome’

Donald Trump Jr. is no stranger to unhinged videos. Sometimes they’re recorded in dimly lit hotel rooms in what looks like the middle of the night. Some are more coherent than others. His latest seems to be a little more together than most. It was shot outside, during a sunny day, possibly at Mar-a-Lago, the resort where his former president father now lives. Speaking of, it was of course about his dad, and the latest indignity heaped upon him, and it still made little sense.

What was Don Jr. mad about now? His father having a video removed from YouTube. As per Yahoo! Finance, the video streamer pulled an interview he’d done with the Full Send Podcast, run by the Canadian prank group the NELK Boys. They talked about a lot: Ukraine, showtunes, golf. He also, of course, rambled about voter fraud lies, as he’s wont to do. As such, YouTube removed the video after 24 hours, prompting one of his apoplectic fits. “This is what they do in Russia,” he stormed.

A couple days later it was Don Jr.’s turn. In a video posted on Rumble, the far right-friendly service, he speculated wildly about YouTube’s reasons for removing the video.

“There was nothing really controversial spoken about in this thing,” Don Jr. said about a video featuring his dad spreading misinformation about the 2020 election. “What’s scarier for the big tech overlords is the comments on it were awesome and that’s what they’re scared about,” he postulated. “The comments on this thing were overwhelmingly positive, which doesn’t happen on big tech or social or anything like that.”

He also claimed the interview showed a more down-to-earth version of his pops. “People saw my father in a different light. They saw him the way that I see him on a daily basis,” Don Jr. said. “A different demographic was able to see him in a way that they got and understood and said, ‘Wait a minute, I had no idea.’ Because they’ve been spoonfed a narrative by big tech, by media, everything that they haven’t been able to get over or get passed or see through.

“So that scared them most and that’s why the interview disappeared like that!” he said.

Don Jr. also said some word salad about…something. “The conspiracy theory between truth — the time keeps shrinking, guys,” he railed. “It used to take six months for a conspiracy theory to turn into the truth then six weeks then six days. Now it’s about six hours. OK? Pretty soon it will be about six minutes.”

Well, at least he got some UV rays.

(Via Yahoo! Finance and Raw Story)