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Geraldo Rivera Hurled An F-Bomb While Defending Fox News Employees For Not Resigning Over Pro-Putin Coverage

On Monday night, The Atlantic editor and former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum wondered aloud why he hasn’t heard of a single Fox News employee resigning in protest over the network’s pro-Putin coverage following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Granted, not all of Fox News has been pushing Russian talking points, but Tucker Carlson has been such a notable and reliable source of pro-Putin commentary that the Kremlin has demanded that clips of his show play on state TV.

“I’m trying to recall a single instance of a resignation of conscience at Fox News over the network’s support for Putin’s war,” Frum tweeted on Monday night. “Marina Ovsyannikova risked life and liberty to tell her viewers the truth. Is there one wealthy Fox director or employee willing to forgo a single check?”

Frum’s tweet must’ve gotten under Fox News host Geraldo Rivera‘s skin who, to his credit, has challenged pro-Putin comments from his co-workers live on the air. However, instead of citing his record of going against the network’s narrative, Rivera went straight for the F-bomb.

“F*ck you,” Rivera tweeted. “You don’t know me. Do you even have a job?”

In fairness, both men have a point. Frum is right to question why Fox News employees haven’t taken a principled stand against the network for airing pro-Putin commentary, and Rivera is right to get angry that Frum isn’t aware that some of the on-air talent actually are pushing back on Russian propaganda in a way that viewers will actually see.

(Via Geraldo Rivera on Twitter)