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Jimmy Kimmel Is Loving Every Second Of Ted Cruz Being A Karen And Throwing A Temper Tantrum In An Airport After Missing A Flight

Ted is the new Karen. Over the weekend, a video surfaced in which Ted Cruz seemed to be getting surly with an airline employee at the Bozeman International Airport in Montana after he missed his flight. While the words being exchanged are not audible, eventually law enforcement was called over to help sort out the mess—and it’s hard for anyone to take any of this seriously, given the Texas senator’s history with causing airport-related drama. Of course, it didn’t take long for people to make comparisons to Cruz’s infamous Cancun getaway, and the jokes began flowing like yards of beer at Señor Frog’s, with Jimmy Kimmel joining in the torment.

On Monday night, Kimmel—who regularly finds himself at odds with Cruz—couldn’t help but laugh at the whole debacle. As he told viewers:

The big Ted story today… is a video shot at the Bozeman, Montana airport. A man who looks suspiciously like Ted Cruz has a heated exchange with an airline employee and then, after the airline employee, a police officer. Apparently, he missed his flight and demanded to speak to the manager of the airport about a dozen times to the point where they had to call in security.

He should stay out of airports, right?

Kimmel pointed out the irony of the incident in light of Cruz’s comments just a few weeks back, while meeting with the trucker convoy, that, “Almost without exception, every time I’m on an airplane, either the captain or a flight attendant will come up to me, will hug me and say, ‘Thank you for fighting for us.’”

But Kimmel’s not buying it: “There’s no way he’s getting spontaneously hugged. Can you imagine hugging Ted Cruz? Donald Trump hugs Eric more than flight attendants hug Ted Cruz.”

You can watch the full video above, beginning around the 2:00 mark.