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Alex Jones Tried To Call In Sick For (Another) Sandy Hook Lawsuit Deposition And Got Caught Filming His Show

Alex Jones may have to try a little bit harder the next time he attempts to put off testifying in the lawsuit filed against him by the Sandy Hook families. Jones was an infamous pusher of conspiracy theories that the 2012 shooting was a false flag operation pulled off by “crisis actors,” which has potentially landed him on the hook for millions as the families of the very real children who died during the tragic incident were allowed to sue him for defamation.

However, Jones is doing in everything in his power to duck going on the record. In his latest move, the conspiracy theory peddler claimed he was too sick to appear at an upcoming deposition and even cited an illness that required immediate emergency care. And his plan might’ve worked had he not gone and recorded his InfoWars show in the studio for hours. Real smooth. Via The Daily Beast:

A lawyer for Jones provided the court with a doctor’s note claiming Jones was recovering from home. But Jones was still able to record his four-hour show, apparently from his studio, on Monday afternoon—when he was supposedly under the doctor’s care. The lawyers noted that the only doctor he was near at the time, InfoWars guest and prominent ivermectin booster Dr. Ben Marble, didn’t appear to be treating Jones for anything.

To the surprise of no one, Jones’ gambit didn’t work. According to Patch, Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis denied the request to delay the deposition, which is scheduled for Wednesday.

(Via The Daily Beast)