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Jimmy Kimmel Has Had Enough Of ‘Slug Of A Human Being’ Ted Cruz After Watching Him Performatively Ask SCOTUS Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson Moronic Questions

Jimmy Kimmel had some harsh words for the many Republican senators who’ve been treating the Supreme Court confirmation hearing of Ketanji Brown Jackson as if it’s some sort of audition for the world’s worst soap opera. The shameless, seemingly performative, and often idiotic lines of questioning from the likes of Lindsey Graham (who has now stormed out of the hearings TWICE), Josh Hawley, and Marsha Blackburn would almost be laughable if they weren’t so racist, sexist, and/or hypocritical. Kimmel had something to say about all of these GOP knuckleheads on Wednesday night, but saved some of his most exasperated outrage for frequent adversary Ted Cruz.

Cruz, who somehow managed to ask Jackson whether babies were “racist” with a straight face, made a total ass out of himself yet again when he unwisely decided to follow up on Blackburn’s question about whether Jackson could provide a definition of “woman” for the assembled senators. Which Kimmel half-expected.

“Of course, Cancun Cruz had to get in on the action,” Kimmel said. “He loves talking at these things, and he really wants to know what a woman is, too.” After sharing a clip in which Cruz tells Jackson that he thinks she’s “the only Supreme Court nominee in history who has been unable to answer the question: What is a woman?,’” Kimmel people out that “she’s also the only one in history who has been asked that disgusting question.”

But Cruz wasn’t done yet: He went on to wonder “If I decide right now that I’m a woman, ummm, then, apparently I’m a woman. Does that mean that I would have Article 3 standing to challenge a gender-based restriction?”

Kimmel had an answer: “No, it means you’d be the world’s ugliest woman. What a slug of a human being… This poor lady had to sit there and listen to this pontificating from a man who wipes from back to front.”

You can watch the full clip above.