Following the news that Bruce Willis is retiring from acting after being diagnosed with aphasia, a rare brain disorder, fans have been flocking to social media to voice their love and appreciation for the iconic actor. Willis’ ex-wife, Demi Moore, revealed the news of his diagnosis in an Instagram post that’s being met with an outpouring of support:
This is a really challenging time for our family and we are so appreciative of your continued love, compassion and support. We are moving through this as a strong family unit, and wanted to bring his fans in because we know how much he means to you, as you do to him.
Putting their faith in Willis’ fans was clearly the right call. The actor immediately started trending on Twitter where the tributes are still pouring in like crazy, which shouldn’t be a surprise given Willis’ long career filled with some of the best performances on film.
“I have so much love for Bruce Willis, and am grateful for every character he’s given us,” Seth Green tweeted. “Hugs and love for the whole family- thank you for sharing him with us all.”
I have so much love for Bruce Willis, and am grateful for every character he’s given us. Hugs and love for the whole family- thank you for sharing him with us all
— Seth Green (@SethGreen) March 30, 2022
“Bless you Bruce Willis!” wrote Rob Liefeld. “Prayers for healing and sincere gratitude for sharing your talents with all of us!”
Bless you Bruce Willis! Prayers for healing and sincere gratitude for sharing your talents with all of us! https://t.co/maNEhLy8ul
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) March 30, 2022
“Bruce Willis has given us so many iconic characters and great performances across his career. Forever a legend,” Isaac Feldberg tweeted. “Wishing him all the best, and I hope he enjoys retirement.”
Bruce Willis has given us so many iconic characters and great performances across his career. Forever a legend. Wishing him all the best, and I hope he enjoys retirement. pic.twitter.com/Pof4ZwPB77
— Isaac Feldberg (@isaacfeldberg) March 30, 2022
“When Bruce Willis was on it, there were few who were better,” wrote Robert Daniels. “An under appreciated dramatic force, an unlikely comedic presence, a sterling leading man. He could do anything and did everything in the movies. I’m going to miss seeing him on the silver screen.”
When Bruce Willis was on it, there were few who were better. An under appreciated dramatic force, an unlikely comedic presence, a sterling leading man. He could do anything and did everything in the movies. I’m going to miss seeing him on the silver screen.
— Robert Daniels (@812filmreviews) March 30, 2022
You can see more reactions to Bruce Willis retiring below, and trust us when we say this is barely a drop in the bucket compared to all of the support out there:
Let’s show Bruce Willis some love y’all. pic.twitter.com/KNHIqeEWB9
— Dollface Sword
(@DollfaceSword) March 30, 2022
No matter the movies that Bruce Willis has made recently, his career is among the best ever. John McClane is the greatest action hero of all-time. I’ll miss his talents and performances. pic.twitter.com/d33aI1BYbm
— Hunter Bolding (@HunterBolding) March 30, 2022
For me, Bruce Willis is the greatest actor of his generation – seriously. I wish I could find him on Twitter to say thank you for all those fantastic films. But most of all, for tv series #Moonlighting where he played wise-cracking motormouth David Addison, the coolest man ever. pic.twitter.com/5fbGTERPaM
— India Willoughby (@IndiaWilloughby) March 30, 2022
Bruce Willis to my recollection is the first real Action Movie Star I recognized as a kid. The Die Hard series was always a favorite of mine growing up and to hear about his diagnosis and him retiring is absolutely Sad.
My thoughts are with him and his family pic.twitter.com/pUH0HpoRGF
— Bridging the Geekdoms (@BridgeGeekdoms) March 30, 2022
Bruce Willis is retiring so it’s time to remember his absolute, objectively greatest film; The Fifth element.
“Korben Dallas multipass” pic.twitter.com/sdFleMlqGB
— Styxhexenhammer666 (@Styx666Official) March 30, 2022
All of us waking up to the news about Bruce Willis pic.twitter.com/T5cfsqf0d4
— Pizza Dad (@Pizza__Dad) March 30, 2022
Thoughts and prayers to Bruce Willis and his family. Thanks for all the wonderful memories (especially Moonlighting). Much love & appreciation.
— Peter Morley (@morethanmySLE) March 30, 2022
An absolute shame about Bruce Willis. An absolute incredible actor. With really underrated range. He could perfectly give the quiet and subtlety beautiful performance in Unbreakable or perfectly play the wise cracking hero in Die Hard. pic.twitter.com/YhqJMdStlG
— Better Call Jared (@Name112a7) March 30, 2022
If you’re looking to watch something today in celebration of Bruce Willis, I recommend a double feature of bonkers mid-‘90s thrillers dismissed as lurid junk but now feel exciting and alive like few studio movies today. pic.twitter.com/qd8AsdAvMM
— William Friedkin Truths (@LazlosGhost) March 30, 2022
Bruce Willis’ performance in Moonrise Kingdom is one of the best in Wes Anderson’s filmography
— Mr. Chau (@Srirachachau) March 30, 2022
If you’re sad about the Bruce Willis news- as I am- this is my reminder to you, that among his iconic, classic and beloved roles- Hudson Hawk is a perfect movie that exists and should be revisited. pic.twitter.com/t3LXHhES0t
— Noah Harald (@NoahHarald) March 30, 2022
If ever there was a cause to get behind in the wake of this sad news—it’s giving us a digitally remastered DVD release of Moonlighting stat. She was great. He was great. It was great. Helluva career Bruce Willis. Thank you for it. pic.twitter.com/W3G0P7RU8v
with a Y
(@wyntermitchell) March 30, 2022
One of my first jobs in show biz was being an extra in the office scenes on MOONLIGHTING. So I got to watch Bruce Willis act, up close, a lot. He was very good at it. Sorry to hear today about his health forcing him to retire. Damn, that dude could talk fast. And so charming.
— Doug Benson (@DougBenson) March 30, 2022
Super sad news about Bruce Willis. Dude played the “every man” with so much charm and wit – no one else came close. Hope he’s able to relish the time he has with his family. pic.twitter.com/xUuRixwWFj
— Brandon Thomas (@brandoncliff) March 30, 2022
The sheer joy and chutzpah that Bruce Willis has brought to the big screen is beyond measure. Thank you for the movies, sir. And all the best to you and your family. pic.twitter.com/5L4ytGBisn
— Bennett Campbell Ferguson (@thobennett) March 30, 2022
(Via Demi Moore on Instagram)