The reactions to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars continue to roll in. Judd Apatow called it “embarrassing” and “dangerous,” Jim Carrey was “sickened” by the post-slap standing ovation Smith received after winning Best Actor, Zoe Kravitz referred to the Oscars as a “show where we are apparently assaulting people on stage now,” Alec Baldwin got involved because of course Alec Baldwin got involved, and so on.
The Slap has even made its way to the White House, where Joe Biden’s communications director Kate Bedingfield was asked what the president thinks about “the biggest story right now.”
“You saw the level of violence that was unleashed on Chris Rock. Is that something that the White House condones — that type of violence? Do you condemn it? And do you do anything to support comedians who have been attacked and other artists?” Today News Africa’s Simon Ateba asked Bedingfield, who’s filling in Jen Psaki while she recovers from COVID-19. She replied, “I don’t have any official comment from the White House on the altercation. I know the president was not able to watch the Oscars. Didn’t see it. So I don’t have any official comment from him or from the White House on this.”
Bedingfield is asked about Chris Rock and if the White House is doing anything to support comedians being attacked… pic.twitter.com/I4CJEA9ERR
— Acyn (@Acyn) March 29, 2022
Anyone hoping for Biden to call Smith a “jackass,” like Barack Obama did with Kanye West 10 years ago, sorry but you’re out of luck. Instead, most people are disappointed that a multi-millionaire slapping another multi-millionaire was referred to as “the biggest story right now” when there are much bigger stories happening.
white house press briefings are just pawnee town hall meetings in real life https://t.co/V40g6CYXjM
— tea
(@ahumblebunnie) March 30, 2022
these the questions y’all get a press passes for to ask at the WHITE HOUSE ??? we on the brink of war and they talking about celebs
— Janet
(@nostalgiaonfilm) March 30, 2022
This is not an SNL skit? https://t.co/RCHmXda1O4
— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) March 30, 2022
Is that war still happening https://t.co/sWk1d3pd3a
— David Weigel (@daveweigel) March 30, 2022
this country is the world’s longest skit and i want it to end https://t.co/8p1XB7dWBg
@ kh 20th!!! (@princessxemnas) March 30, 2022
Imagine asking this question while a war is being fought https://t.co/gimLfH10j5
— Dionne Ayanna (@DionneAyanna) March 29, 2022
veep feeling more like a documentary series every single day!! https://t.co/ZbHdf4E1mm
— tiana (@tianondra) March 29, 2022
Resetting the bar for stupidest question asked in the White House briefing room. https://t.co/iR8UVAe4w4
— Tim Kolb (@timothyjkolb) March 30, 2022
“And a follow-up question, will the White House intervene in Henny Youngman’s wife being taken?” https://t.co/XEfWVdpPhN
— Matt Oswalt (@MattOswaltVA) March 29, 2022