After years of bearing witness to Donald Trump at his Donald Trumpiest, that he would make an offensive remark—either intentionally or cluelessly—should really not be news. Yet he seems to constantly outdo himself in the “Wait, did he REALLY just say that?!” department, as he proved yet again this week.
As Newsweek reports, Trump’s latest woof of a comment came on Wednesday night at Mar-a-Lago, which was hosting a fundraiser for congressional candidate John Gibbs, a Republican from Michigan. Upon learning that representatives of the organization Gays for Trump were in the crowd, he asked for them to speak up. When one of the members told him “We’re over here,” the former president looked and stated matter-of-factly “You don’t look gay.”
The comment elicited lots of laughter from those in the crowd, which is hardly surprising. Nor did it seem to offend the organization itself. Newsweek spoke with Gays for Trump founder Peter Boykin via email, who said that his members “probably wouldn’t ‘look gay’ because it’s a stereotype that fits more with the typical ‘look’ of leftist LGBT,” whatever that means. “Otherwise it was a suit and tie event,” Boykin added. “So unless one of us was wearing a joker suit, meh.”
As Jason Lemon wrote for Newsweek:
Trump has faced substantial criticism from many in the LGBTQ+ community since he launched his 2016 presidential bid. However, the former president courted LGBTQ+ voters by waving a rainbow flag during an October 2016 event in Colorado. The flag had the words, “LGBTs for Trump” written on it. Some openly gay individuals also served in high-level positions within the Trump administration.
The White House under Trump also took numerous anti-LGBTQ+ stances on various legal cases making their way through the courts. In particular, Trump voiced support for several anti-transgender measures being pushed forward by Republican leaders in conservative states.
You can watch the interaction play out below, via Patriot Takes:
Trump told a “Gays for Trump” supporter, “You don’t look gay” during a Mar-a-Lago fundraiser event for Michigan Republican John Gibbs.
The crowd laughed. pic.twitter.com/JedrScyISz
— PatriotTakes
(@patriottakes) March 31, 2022
(Via Newsweek)