Last holiday season, rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert (owner of Shooter’s Grill) showed off a gun-filled family Christmas photo, which led to her acting triggered when SNL took aim with a parody sketch. Then cast member Chloe Fineman responded to the congresswoman’s complaints while calling her an “actual clown,” and none of that has quelled Boebert’s zest to continue confusing herself over the constitution.
That trend has continued with Boebert talking about the Second Amendment and how happy she is about “CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY states” because she really digs people walking around, armed, without permits. Boebert tweeted, “More than HALF the country will be returning to 2A in it’s [sic] intended form, a great victory for liberty, but we still have a lot of work to do!”
26 states will soon be CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY states.
More than HALF the country will be returning to 2A in it’s intended form, a great victory for liberty, but we still have a lot of work to do!
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) April 5, 2022
Confusion reigns here, but that’s Boebert’s usual M.O. In response, one zinger came right out of the gate, from Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg, who suggested that Boebert wouldn’t be around after the midterms: “Good thing I have the one thing on my side that you don’t. Time.”
Good thing I have the one thing on my side that you don’t. Time.
— David Hogg
(@davidhogg111) April 5, 2022
From there, people reminded Boebert of the Second Amendment’s plain language, which is for a “well regulated Militia,” rather than people wandering around the street with any manner of firearm. As some pointed out, there’s also the existence of “automatic high ammunition weapons,” which didn’t exist back in the day, along with the whole concept of times changing in multiple ways.
Intended form: WELL REGULATED!!!
— Bowen – Fed Up (@ktraco2pups) April 5, 2022
When 2A was written, we didn’t have the automatic high ammunition weapons that are out there now. We also didn’t have mass shootings at movie theaters, concerts, outside clubs like just what happens in my home town or at schools. The world has changed and the laws should too.
— Genesis Wester (@GenesisWester) April 5, 2022
Ah yes the founding fathers clearly wrote the second amendment knowing that guns would advance beyond a point where reloading it meant stuffing gunpowder down the musket and bullets were little steel balls
— Bobby Bigglestone (@b_bigglestone) April 5, 2022
That’s NOT the intended form. You’re not a Constitutional scholar – you’re a high school drop out who doesn’t understand the most basic constitutional law concept. The original intention was a well “regulated” militia. Nothing wrong with common sense gun control.
— SuzyQL (Not *that* Q)
(@SuzyQL) April 5, 2022
Nope. The 2A calls for a well-regulated militia. You keep trying to have no regulation. #GunControlNow
— (((Anti-Fascism as in Putin and GOP))) (@janetw58) April 6, 2022
Where exactly in the Constitution does it say there is a right to carry? What part of a “well regulated militia” do you not understand?
— Ray Loewe – #StandWithUkraine (@rloewe65) April 5, 2022
There is no such thing as “constitutional carry” you irrational, depraved menace. That is a marketing term to avoid saying permitless open carry. Lauren, if you are going to act tough, have the balls to call it what it is. You know this will lead to more dead Americans.
— Fred Guttenberg (@fred_guttenberg) April 5, 2022
If you think carrying a concealed weapon into Walmart or a school has anything to do with the 2A in its intended form then you just proved that you’ve never read the 2A.
— Jamie Schler (@lifesafeast) April 6, 2022
You mean they’re all going to carry 18th century muskets? Cool
— Christopher Martin
(@ChrisMartin1961) April 5, 2022
Boebert’s cheerleading got shot down, and it wasn’t pretty, but she’s never been one to brush up on the founding fathers, let alone those who attended the constitutional convention, before firing off her passionate tweets about them.