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Stephen King’s Microwaved Salmon Recipe Might Be The Most Horrifying Thing He’s Ever Written

Author Stephen King has terrified readers for almost half a century with such fiendish creations as a murderous clown who lures children into the sewers, an ancient evil god that took over a mining town, a fire-starting little girl, vampires, undead pets, and countless others. But it’s his latest creation that is freaking people out beyond their wildest imaginations: A recipe for microwaved salmon.

The Maine-based writer shared his secret to cooking fresh fish on Twitter, and absolutely no one was prepared for the horrors that were about to unfold:

Dinner: Get a nice salmon filet at the supermarket, not too big.
Put some olive oil and lemon juice on it.
Wrap it in damp paper towels.
Nuke it in the microwave for 3 minutes or so.
Eat it.
Maybe add a salad.

Some people might think there’s nothing more divisive than partisan politics, but those people are dead wrong. You want to stir folks up, hit them with a food preparation method they’ve never seen before, and they will go freaking bananas in the replies. After sharing his nuked salmon recipe on Monday night, King was flooded with responses roasting him for everything from giving off divorced guy energy (he’s happily married, don’t worry) to still being the master of horror with this one.

Like we said earlier, people are very opinionated about their food, so naturally, it didn’t take long for King to start getting peppered with salmon recipes. Surprisingly, one of them also involved using a microwave because, clearly, King’s creation is spreading and humanity is doomed.

(Via Stephen King on Twitter)