Rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert’s been absolutely thrilled over the prospect of Elon Musk bringing his “free speech absolutism” to Twitter. However, she’s singing an entirely different tune for the approximately 70% of Americans who aren’t in favor of the Supreme Court (as indicated in a leaked memo) standing poised to over turn abortion rights (as made possible by Roe V. Wade). And Boebert has shown herself to not pay much attention to the U.S. Constitution either, but that’s beside the point.
Rather, she’s all about simply wielding far-right rhetoric as a weapon while taking a swing at the Women’s March activists for daring to speak their minds. “If your response to the SCOTUS news is to dust off your stupid pink hat from 2016,” Boebert tweeted. “[A]nd go march to support infanticide, re-evaluate your entire life.”
If your response to the SCOTUS news is to dust off your stupid pink hat from 2016 and go march to support infanticide, re-evaluate your entire life.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) May 3, 2022
Yep, that’s how she said “good morning” to Twitter.
This is how Boebert says, ‘Good morning.’ pic.twitter.com/2oO7DYqV47
— Ron Filipkowski
(@RonFilipkowski) May 3, 2022
Naturally, people were quick to fire back on several fronts, including how Boebert could very well be mobilizing her opponents, and it’s self-righteous (not to mention hypocritical) to champion “free speech” but tell pro-choice (and women’s healthcare) activists to shut up and not protest.
70% of Americans disagree with you.
— 63 Blue Vet (@63_vet) May 3, 2022
Why don’t you believe in Women’s Healthcare choices, Lauren Boebert?
— Brandon Unger
(@ungerbn103) May 3, 2022
Says the one crying about freedoms because they had to wear a mask?
— Craig Brockman (@csbrockman) May 3, 2022
As always, oh Lordy, there’s a tweet. Qbert changes her opinion faster than the wind changes direction. https://t.co/NcQA9UxcFL
— Gary McDougall (@GMC_59) May 3, 2022
Spoken like a true believer in freedom of speech.
— Byron Ricketts (@BJR3_Boston) May 3, 2022
The “reevaluate your life” portion of Boebert’s tweet also received some comebacks:
If your response is to celebrate the oppression of women reevaluate your life
— sassyliberal (@sassyliberal1) May 3, 2022
If you look to Lauren Boebert for competent, effective leadership, re-evaluate your entire life. pic.twitter.com/4zX5qAz2hR
— sureJan
(@CO_jan40) May 3, 2022
If your response to the SCOTUS LEAK is to dance a jig over the loss of women’s rights and lie about infanticide, re-evaluate your entire life.
— Lieutenant Corporal Phobo
(@JoelTCarter) May 3, 2022
And of course, Boebert botched the definition of “infanticide,” so that was fair game for Twitter, too.
Infanticide is the crime of killing a child within a year of BIRTH.
Try to know what words mean before you use them.
— Smite
(@7Veritas4) May 3, 2022
Fetuses and Infants are definitely different. Your GED is showing.
— RazzLi (@razzli_) May 3, 2022
@laurenboebert In case you needed to brush up on those GED English skills. pic.twitter.com/LkET7xlafw
— Aijiaih (@JBinqs) May 3, 2022
1) Infanticide is the killing of born babies not a fetus.
2) When life begins often Congress down to religious definitions. So overturning Roe would be a de facto government endorsement of Evangelical Christianity.
— Jen (@MazzuckelliJen) May 3, 2022
The day is young, as is the week. Yep, Boebert will probably keep on tweeting.