Seth Meyers has never watched a clip of Rudy Giuliani he didn’t want to immediately share with his audience—and we applaud him for his dedication to the craft. But even a Rudyologist like Meyers almost didn’t know what to think of the video the kooky former Mayor of New York City posted to Twitter in which he is bizarrely swinging a golf club at nothing and begging people to spend $325 of their hard-earned money to let him wish them a happy birthday. Which sounds like something a person would only do as some sort of cruel joke.
While Meyers had plenty of big stories to talk about on Monday night, including Donald Trump endorsing “a nonexistent person for senator in Ohio,” he kicked off the night’s “A Closer Look” segment with “neckless wonder” Rudy. Meyers was not underselling the video to come when he explained that, “We have shown you many clips of over the years of Rudy Giuliani saying and doing many bizarre things. But I have to say, this latest might be the weirdest yet.”
In the video—which Rudy has since deleted from Twitter, in what might be the smartest political decision of his life—the Four Seasons Total Landscaping icon invites anyone who wants to “have a really nice conversation, or a birthday greeting, or just talk golf” to connect with him on Cameo. You need to watch the full video (which you can do above) to get the full effect, but here’s a sneak peek of what it/he looks like.

Though Meyers was momentarily speechless, he didn’t stay that way for long:
This is the weirdest metronome I have ever seen… I’m sorry, it doesn’t even look like an actual human body. It looks like one of Jeff Dunham’s puppets. It’s like a wind-up toy you’ve get in a giveaway bag at a mobster’s funeral. Is this from his new movie, Weekend at Rudy’s?
Why is he just flaccidly swinging the club back and forth like a wet pool noodle the entire time? Is he trying to hypnotize us? … He looks like one of those drinking birds if, instead of water, all it drank was scotch.
You can watch the full clip above, beginning around the :30 mark.