On Monday night, Politico reported a leaked draft of a majority opinion from the Supreme Court that strongly suggested the right-leaning bench was about to overturn Roe v. Wade. The 1973 decision, which protected a woman’s right to have a safe and legal abortion nationwide, has long been a target of the far right, including its moviemakers. (Though its obliteration is highly unpopular with American voters.) The leaked argument was written by Samuel Alito, and it straight-up says the decision “must be overruled.”
While the Supreme Court has yet to make the decision official (and likely won’t till June), news that they almost certainly will caused instant distress across social media. (Though it made Marjorie Taylor Greene so happy she cried.) There was concern for women living in Republican-dominated states, whose rights are now in jeopardy. There was speculation that Republicans would come after other rights next, such as contraception, same-sex marriage, and more. There was fear that America could be heading to Handmaid’s Tale territory.
And there was anger at the moderate lawmakers who allowed such a thing to happen.
One of them is Susan Collins, the moderate Republican senator from Maine, who has often reached across the aisle, breaking with the majority of her party (though not always). One instance where she took their side was on the confirmation of current Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanagh in 2018. Calling Roe v. Wade “settled law,” she said the controversial future justice would never vote to strike down Roe v. Wade. And yet there’s his name, one of five justices who the leak revealed are planning to do just that.
After the Politico news broke, clips of Collins going on news shows, saying Kavanaugh wouldn’t, were shared.
Sen. Susan Collins repeatedly saying Kavanaugh won’t vote to overturn Roe v. Wade: pic.twitter.com/WDwFxtNtgu
— j.d. durkin
(@jd_durkin) May 3, 2022
Here’s Susan Collins 3 years ago, assuring us that Roe would be safe if Kavanaugh got appointed to the SCOTUS.
“Catastrophically wrong” doesn’t quite do it justice. https://t.co/BIlU7R82SE
— Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D (@RVAwonk) May 3, 2022
People were furious with the very wrong senator.
Thanks, Susan Collins
— Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) May 3, 2022
Maybe its not as simple as saying Fuck Susan Collins but for the record, FUCK SUSAN COLLINS. https://t.co/sY094exQja
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) May 3, 2022
A special fuck you to Susan Collins today.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) May 3, 2022
somebody ask @SenatorCollins what happened to ~ settled law ~ https://t.co/LFWNjDKnIA
— Erin Ryan (@morninggloria) May 3, 2022
We’re just one step away from Gilead. Fuck Alito. Fuck Kavanaugh. Fuck Barrett. Fuck Gorsuch. Fuck Susan Collins.
— Fuck Susan Collins (@imalwaysrightb) May 3, 2022
Women’s control over their own bodies should never hang in the balance of a Susan Collins character reference.
— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar) May 3, 2022
But others tried to direct their anger into gallows humor.
The Susan Collins Fret Level has been raised to Perturbed. I repeat, Perturbed.
This is not a drill.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) May 3, 2022
Susan Collins’ brow has furrowed in on her and her head is now inside out.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) May 3, 2022
The Supreme Court has learned its lesson
by Susan Collins
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) May 3, 2022
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me infinite times, now I’m Susan Collins.
— 𝒫𝓊𝓇𝓁
(@freshwaterpurl) April 27, 2022
I’m sure Susan Collins is deeply troubled by this decision
— Kim Mangone (@KimMangone) May 3, 2022
Weird it’s almost like those Supreme Court Justices think there’s some kind of right to make decisions in private https://t.co/G8oEPTLO5c
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) May 3, 2022
The Supreme Court leak is near unprecedented, and the fate of Roe v. Wade may take a different direction. Until then, the American people have time to make their voices known. Who knows? Perhaps Democratic lawmakers, who have control of the White House and both bodies of Congress, might even do something.
(Via Politico)