There has been mass outrage since a draft opinion about the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the famous 1973 Supreme Court decision that protected a woman’s right to have a safe and legal abortion nationwide, leaked. Some in the music world have offered their thoughts on the situation and now so too has Halsey.
In a lengthy social media post shared last night, Halsey called the decision “one of the most significant events we will witness in our lifetimes” that will “spiral into lethal situations for our entire country” and implored their followers to take action by attending local rallies and donating to pro-abortion organizations and funds.
Halsey’s post concludes, “I cannot stress enough the implications of this moment in history. This is a cruel attack on our fundamental right to choose if and when to have a child. I felt this way before I became a mother and I feel this way even more now after having my son. Pregnancy and having a child is a dangerous and life altering experience. Though one that can be BEAUTIFUL if you are consenting and desiring of it. Everyone deserves the right to choose and the right to make that choice SAFELY. Please take action.”
Read Halsey’s full post below.
“For any of my followers who are hearing about the Supreme Court leaked draft decision to overturn Roe V Wade, this is one of the most significant events we will witness in our lifetimes. This has been confirmed by Judge Roberts and is NOT a hypothetical. The effects of this decision will spiral into lethal situations for our entire country. Most seriously impacting people of color, rural areas and socioeconomically impacted communities. The time to take action is NOW. Many states are armed with trigger bans that will go into immediate effect pending this decision.
Attend a local rally. Make donations to ACLU (aclu.org) and Abortion Funds (abortionfunds.org) or to your local organizations and funds. Educate yourselves on your local legislators.
I know it seems like this conversation is happening constantly and many of us have lived with the mental security that we would never witness the revocation of this right. I know it seems like every time we worry, it’s a false alarm. But it’s not. That security comes from people like YOU, people at ACLU, Planned Parenthood and more who are actively advocating to protect this right.
This is not a false alarm. Again, this is not a hypothetical. And while for the time being, you can STILL access abortion in all 50 states, that will NOT be the case in the summer when this decision is cemented. And many of those who seek abortion out of state will be at risk of persecution as well.
I cannot stress enough the implications of this moment in history. This is a cruel attack on our fundamental right to choose if and when to have a child. I felt this way before I became a mother and I feel this way even more now after having my son.
Pregnancy and having a child is a dangerous and life altering experience. Though one that can be BEAUTIFUL if you are consenting and desiring of it. Everyone deserves the right to choose and the right to make that choice SAFELY. Please take action.
The overturning of Roe V Wade will mark a catastrophic shift in our fundamental rights to bodily autonomy and reproductive health care. We are constituents and we have the right and responsibility to fight this.@aclu@PPFA @AbortionFunds pic.twitter.com/zYlXSZqzCu
— h (@halsey) May 4, 2022