Fresh off of his controversial Grammys win, comedian Louis C.K. is now slamming Democrats for how they’ve treated Donald Trump supporters over the years. C.K., who has been accused of sexual misconduct by several women, rattled off his thoughts on Shane Gillis’ podcast, which made for a cornucopia of cringe, given thatGillis was famously fired from Saturday Night Live after his history of racist jokes were brought to light.
According to C.K., he thinks “progressives” are making a “huge mistake” by “sh*tting on people” who love Donald Trump. “I mean, it’s the stupidest thing you can do,” C.K. opined via Mediaite:
“What progressives do is, you actually say to them ‘I’m a progressive,’ and they go ‘Really, prove it!’” he said. “‘Well, I’m for gay marriage’ — ‘What do you mean gay? What do you mean marriage? You are a Trump — ‘”
“They like tell [to] other people that they belong to Trump. They push people away,” C.K. lamented.
“They push everyone to him,” Gillis said.
C.K. took things further by accusing progressives of not actually wanting to win or change the country because it’s “gray, difficult, boring, bureaucratic, unsatisfying, slow business.”
“They’re not trying to make something happen, they’re just trying to feel, to show what they think, and preform what they are, and they’re addicted. It’s a sickness,” C.K. said. “I feel sorry for them.”
Of course, whether or not C.K. has a valid point is obviously overshadowed by the fact that the comedian is, again, accused of sexual misconduct by several women. If there’s a message to be had here, you couldn’t have picked a more ineffective messenger.
(Via Mediaite)