You can always count on Gwyneth Paltrow to read the room.
As millions of parents worry about not being able to feed their baby during a nationwide shortage of formula, Paltrow’s $piritual emporium Goop decided now was a good time to introduce The Diapér, a “disposable diaper lined with virgin alpaca wool and fastened with amber gemstones, known for their ancient emotional-cleansing properties. Infused with a scent of jasmine and bergamot for a revitalized baby.” And how much will it cost to revitalize your little poop machine? Only $120 for 12 diapers, I mean, Diapérs.
A baby goes through approximately 2,200 diapers every year. At 10 bucks a pop, a parent would have to spend $22,000/annually to keep their baby in Diapérs, because you can’t spell “Goop” without “poop.” Or you can buy a 136-pack of diapers at Target for $42.99 (NOTE: this is not sponsored content for Target; this is anti-Goop content).
Let’s check in with the response to The Diapér on Instagram:
As moms struggle to find formula good timing
This can’t be real
I’m sorry but whaaaaat??!!
This is not April 1 guys!
Dear gawd why
It’s not much kinder on Twitter. “$10 per disposable diaper… maybe Goop should make baby formulas instead because that’s actually what is in shortage and needed,” @ChinHuaLu tweeted, while @ALutkin shared a theory: “I have a theory that goop mostly makes money off ads which means they need lots of engagement so they purposefully release stuff that makes people shit themselves with rage and click.” A lot of people are wondering if it’s real, but considering Goop also sells $66 vagina eggs, I wouldn’t put anything past ol’ Paltrow. We’ll find out tomorrow at 11 am EST.
This has to be a joke… https://t.co/hPjDkeUQZg
— Jennifer Gunter (@DrJenGunter) May 11, 2022
why tf does a baby need to be revitalized?? bruh you were just vitalized smh https://t.co/AMNkJJXeXZ
— unproblematic paisan (@gaycha0s) May 11, 2022
There’s a baby food shortage, dude. Read the room https://t.co/Bl4NYS0bKO
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) May 11, 2022
i’m going to kill myself while wearing this in front of gwyneth paltrow to change the trajectory of her life forever https://t.co/sNIRiEFUHB
— ari (@lexaprophet) May 11, 2022
i’m absolutely reeling https://t.co/cbDquUPeuu
— CANNNG (@cdgoldstein) May 11, 2022
“I mean, it’s one diapér, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?” https://t.co/gHrycV7Yln
— sasha hanako
(@sashanako) May 11, 2022
part of me thinks this could not possibly be real and the other part of me has seen what rich people spend their money on so https://t.co/p5I0zI0A8x
— terri’s cold
(@terricoles_) May 11, 2022
Absolutely cornered the market on “there’s no way this is fucking real, oh my god it’s totally real” https://t.co/9ruQt63F70
— Anna Merlan (@annamerlan) May 11, 2022