While the world burns around her like Homer Simpson setting his high school diploma on fire, Marjorie Taylor Greene wants everyone to know that she is so s-m-r-t. The controversial far-right congresswoman from Georgia, who doesn’t believe in the “so-called science” of evolution but does believe in “Jewish space lasers,” blamed the media for people thinking that she’s not intelligent. I can, um, think of other reasons.
“They create me as someone to not be liked,” Taylor Greene said on The Truth with Lisa Boothe podcast (via Raw Story) “They make me out as if I’m angry or crazy or basically just unintelligent, which, you know, is completely unfair.” She continued:
“But they say give me all the ‘isms.’ You know, ‘ists.’ Like the racist, the homophobic, um, you know, anti-Semitic. They put all those labels on me and none of them are true.”
As if to prove a point (although not the point she thinks she’s making), Taylor Greene also had words about “communists” in the United States government. “Our government, it’s not the same government. It’s a regime. They’re communists. They are waging a war against America,” she complained. “Anyone that went inside the Capitol on January 6, whether they just walked around or they fought with police officers or they broke their way in, no matter what level they were on, they have become political targets. They have been arrested. They’re being prosecuted.”
MTG thinks her “unintelligent” reputation is unfair, but Twitter disagrees.
Re-write: ‘Completely fair’
‘Completely unfair’: Marjorie Taylor Greene complains about reputation for being ‘unintelligent’ https://t.co/2rulGH05mY #SmartNews
— Lizzi Cochrane (@lizzicochrane) May 16, 2022
‘Completely unfair’: Marjorie Taylor Greene complains about reputation for being ‘unintelligent’ #SmartNews No sooner than after she complains about media making her seem unintelligent & crazy she says something crazy & unintelligent. Go figure. https://t.co/8simf5Wcn5
— GaryInPismo (@GaryInPismo) May 16, 2022
Truth hurt?????? https://t.co/q51Wdatsdd
— Suzanne Dunham (@Linusthesheepie) May 16, 2022
It’s entirely based on the available evidence. https://t.co/5zEMU7fIfD
— Steve
(@SteveDrakovarii) May 16, 2022
All these MAGA morons always complain about how unfair the world is to them. https://t.co/09FYp7gRpn— Deborah Brody (@DBMC) May 16, 2022
https://t.co/0Y4jEwNdVz pic.twitter.com/ZNKharEbik
— Doris Bivings
(@BivingsDoris) May 16, 2022
That reputation was completely earned. If people make judgments on a person based on their words and actions, it’s not the fault of the media’s for reporting them. https://t.co/ZGadMjqCpn
— Shelly
(@TexHellCat) May 16, 2022
@RepMTG No you are REALLY UNINTELLIGENT. Anyone who believes in “QANON & other conspiracy theories”, is unintelligent. But that’s NOT the only thing that makes you unintelligent. You literally talk like you NEVER left the 6th grade. #facts https://t.co/6l5EjMVKog
— Hey man
(@Hey_man5) May 16, 2022
https://t.co/IrfCg39Ln1 pic.twitter.com/TioZMyEyVU
— CHRISTIE BIVINGS (@CELB2000) May 16, 2022
(Via Raw Story)