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Jordan Peterson Got Triggered And Quit Twitter After Everyone Made Fun Of His ‘Sports Illustrated’ Swimsuit Model Tweet

Jordan Peterson’s whole “thing” is being the worst guy to be stuck in a conversation with at a party. If the right-wing professor isn’t claiming that feminists have “an unconscious wish for brutal male domination,” he’s giving an unwatchable two-and-a-half hour presentation on “identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege.” Peterson’s Twitter account, which has 2.7 million followers (and probably 2.1 million bots), is also a cesspool of bad takes, including one that led him to quit the social media platform.

In response to model Yumi Nu being on the cover of this year’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, along with Kim Kardashian, Maye Musk, and Ciara, Peterson tweeted, “Sorry. Not beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.” Peterson quickly became the Main Character of Twitter, with his “Sorry. Not beautiful” phrasing being paired with, well, have you seen Jordan Peterson looks like?

I’m sorry in advance.

By Monday night, Peterson announced that he was leaving Twitter due to an “endless flood” of “vicious” insults. He continued, “I like to follow the people I know but I think the incentive structure of the platform makes it intrinsically and dangerously insane. So I told my staff to change my password, to keep me from temptation, and am departing once again. If I have something to say I’ll write an article or make a video. If the issue is not important enough to justify that then perhaps it would be best to just let it go.”

If Peterson is doing the insulting, it’s fine. But when Peterson is the one being insulted, he’s being attacked by the woke mob. He will not be missed.