It’s been a tough few weeks for NFT lovers. Earlier this month, Seth Green lost his beloved Bored Ape NFT which he was planning to turn into a sitcom star for some reason. The NFT was stolen during a phishing scam, along with several more of his expensive doodles. The ape was sold for over $200k (!) and Green has taken to Twitter to plead for his little friend (named Fred) back, but it doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen!
Buzzfeed News reached out to the new NFT owner, who goes by Mr. Cheese, and is allegedly a surgeon hailing from Australia. “I have no plans for the ape,” Mr. Cheese, formerly known as DarkWing84, told Buzzfeed.
“As you can see I have been collecting for a while. I bought it because I liked it,” the mysterious Cheeseman added. “It wasn’t a cheap buy either and was not marked as suspicious so I bought it in good faith. I’m happy to be in contact with Seth to chat about this.”
It seems like, despite all of Green’s pleading, the elusive Mr. Cheese hasn’t really been keeping up with the drama. When asked if they’d consider returning the NFT, they added, “Haven’t really thought about it as this is all very new news to me. Can you arrange contact with him?” Green is now following Mr. Cheese’s Twitter account. Perhaps Mr. Cheese will land a role on Green’s TV show!