One of the great moments in Twitter history was the time Russell Crowe was not having any of Clickhole‘s rubbish. After The Onion spin-off website published a fake quote from the Master and Commander star as part of their “They Said What?!” series, Crowe tweeted, “@Clickhole what is this rubbish? Where does that quote from?” Beautiful.
Elon Musk v. Hard Drive is no Russell Crowe v. Clickhole.
Over the weekend, The Onion of video games called out the Tesla founder for posting a picture from one of the site’s articles without attribution. “hey i’ll give u a horse if u stop cropping our name off our articles,” @HardDriveMag tweeted, a reference to Musk reportedly offering a SpaceX flight attendant a horse in exchange for an erotic massage. Musk (who thinks of himself as a memelord even though he’s more of a meme lifter) replied, “Well, if you make something that looks like a meme & someone (not me) crops off your name, so it goes. Also, this is only a 6/10 meme, so maybe step down from that high horse! The selfless art of anonymous meme creators is something to be admired.”
hey i’ll give u a horse if u stop cropping our name off our articles https://t.co/QnNfyiNYs3
— Hard Drive (@HardDriveMag) May 30, 2022
Hard Drive fired back by asking for Musk’s thoughts on an article with the headline “Elon Musk Admits He Wants to Travel to Mars Because No One Hates Him There Yet,” to which the real-life Kendall Roy tweeted, “Less funny than SNL on a bad day. This could make a drunk person sober. Try harder!” Musk really set himself up here.
Hello, 911? I’d like to report a murder pic.twitter.com/GdbhW8EkCJ
— Wu-Tang Is For The Children (@WUTangKids) May 31, 2022
Musk deleted the original meme and got buried. To paraphrase Russell Crowe, we are entertained.
hard drive v elon musk on the timeline today pic.twitter.com/hFxtJR8YxQ
— blog (@adogondrugs) May 30, 2022
Hard Drive dragging the ever-loving hell out of Elon Musk has been a true highlight of the day. https://t.co/UeQsucYukr
Alyssa Miller
(Speaking @RSAConference) (@AlyssaM_InfoSec) May 31, 2022
I will burst out laughing if this is the reason why Elon decides to no longer buy Twitter. https://t.co/HdMvZStdp4
— Mat Brunet (AniMat) (@AniMat505) May 31, 2022
Wow, an all-timer, put this on display in the Dunk Museum. https://t.co/ziMbJ4EHKW
— Riot joemag (@joemag_games) May 31, 2022
Hard Drive obliterating Elon Musk to the point he deleted his original Tweet is too funny for words. https://t.co/GoQ9r2T7Xl
— Marc Deschamps (@Marcdachamp) May 31, 2022
Imagine paying 44 billion dollars just to get ratio’d this hard
— Goose/Marnie (@SillyMcGoofster) May 31, 2022
Gotta hand it to Elon, the strength to not delete your twitter account after the hardest burn of the decade is admirable https://t.co/eiw6zpRWEY
— a steven who wishes to go to outer space (@Its_Steve_) May 31, 2022
He’s going to have to buy twitter now just to stop getting ratio’d lol https://t.co/ttErqWtbSi
— Gedds (@Geddli_) May 31, 2022
i’ve lived long enough to see elon musk get ratioed 20 to 1 that’s all that matters https://t.co/rnm4L94o8y
— zinan (@zkitokato) May 31, 2022
(Via Hard Drive)