Donald Trump’s half-hearted endorsement of J.D. Vance, who won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Ohio earlier this month, came after Tucker Carlson reportedly told the former-president about a rival’s “f*cking disgusting” and “f*cking gross” sex life. Speaking of things that are “f*cking disgusting” and “f*cking gross,” Vance wants to ban all pornography, even though he’s a content creator of poverty porn.
In an interview with Crisis Magazine, which haughtily bills itself as “A Voice for the Faithful Catholic Laity,” Vance shared his ass-backwards thoughts on porn and birth control. “I think the combination of porn [and] abortion have basically created a really lonely, isolated generation that isn’t getting married, they’re not having families, and they’re actually not even totally sure how to interact with each other,” he said. The article, which was published in 2021 but only recently unearthed by the Huffington Post, also notes that “Vance admitted he wants to outright ban pornography.”
Vance’s campaign didn’t provide a comment about his more recent thoughts on porn, and how they would factor into his priorities as a senator. In 2016, the GOP, in its own official platform, declared porn “a public health crisis,” but stopped short of calling for it to be outlawed completely.
It suddenly makes sense why Ted Cruz didn’t campaign for Vance.
Hey @JDVance1, instead of calling for a ban on porn and pro-choice rights, why not call for a ban on assault weapons? You know, real things that murder lots of people in a short amount of time.
— David Weissman (@davidmweissman) May 31, 2022
(Via the Huffington Post)