Ted Cruz blamed his daughters for his ill-fated trip during a deadly winter storm in Texas, but now we know the real reason he fled to Cancun: Girls Gone Wild. On Thursday’s episode of the Verdict with Ted Cruz podcast, the gun-loving Texas senator fondly reminisced about the sleazy video series from the 2000s of usually inebriated women baring their breasts for a free t-shirt or hat during spring break, including in Cancun.
“[The Democrats are] doubling down when it comes to so many aspects of the economy — on the cultural social issues, they’re defending drag queens jiggling for kids, actual little tiny children in bars, 21 plus bars in Texas of all places, they’re defending it,” he told giggling co-host Michael Knowles. “You know, Michael, it reminds me of, do you remember those videos that would come out every spring break, Girls Gone Wild and it would have lots of college women in bikinis or not bikinis?”
The phrase “not bikinis” will haunt me for the rest of my life. But go on, Ted:
“It reminds me of much the same thing. This is Liberals Gone Wild. This is the crazy left that — this is AOC and Elizabeth Warren, thank God, not in bikinis, Um, but embracing their socialist nuttiness. I mean, it’s literally like someone sat down at a bar and said, how much crazy crap can we do?”
No one look at his Google history.
Girls Gone Wild founder, Joe Francis, has been arrested and sentenced numerous times, including in 2013 when he was “found guilty of three counts of false imprisonment, one count of assault causing great bodily injury, and one count of dissuading a witness during an incident in his Bel Air mansion in 2011… The charges stem from an incident in January 2011 in which, prosecutors say, Francis took three women home following a night out and refused to let them leave. He was also charged with attacking one of the women and bashing her head onto his tile floor.” In the recent documentary Rich & Shameless: Girls Gone Wild Exposed, a woman named Jannel also claimed that when she was 18, Francis “totally raped me. And then he got off of me like I was garbage.”
But that didn’t stop Ted from fondly recalling those informercial steel drums — or people from being skeezed out by his comments.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) fondly reminisces about “Girls Gone Wild” to make a point about liberals:
“This is AOC and Elizabeth Warren — thank God, not in bikinis — but embracing their socialist nuttiness.” pic.twitter.com/AwGNTojx6z
— The Recount (@therecount) June 10, 2022
Weird Online Freak Ted Cruz just continuing to be a colossal creep. https://t.co/FtbsyftUyu
— Jacob Davison (@JacobDavison_) June 10, 2022
Just a couple of normal dudes reminiscing about the sex crime videos https://t.co/BSwGp8JQc1
— Dumbass The Dank Engine (@DoctorZachJones) June 10, 2022
No wonder his daughters viscerally hate him https://t.co/t6HPHX8qKJ
— District Sentinel (@TheDCSentinel) June 10, 2022
@SenTedCruz what a great example of the misogynistic bigoted hateful person you are! Guns over children, making fun of womens bodies, fleeing over responsibility What a disputable Senator you are
(@LibmanDot) June 10, 2022
Remember when Donald Trump mocked your wife as ugly? https://t.co/opoSL1Dd9p
— David Knowles (@writerknowles) June 10, 2022
yeah man I bet you would hate to see AOC in a bikini https://t.co/ij9sx4RudH
— ℮oin Higgins (@EoinHiggins_) June 10, 2022
[Not] Breaking News: Ted Cruz is a sexist, disgusting pig. https://t.co/Pl0z62aFCC
— Kumar Rao (@KumarRaoNYC) June 10, 2022