Faux-German heiress and grifter Anna Sorokin, aka “Anna Delvey,” has had a pretty prolific second act. She was the focus of a riveting New Yorker piece, which inspired a much-discussed Netflix show, in which she was played by Madonna biopic-bound Julia Garner. (Alas, she was not a fan of that one.) Recently she had her first solo art show, which wasn’t terribly well-received. And she’s done it all while in ICE custody, serving a four-year sentence.
What’s next? If you didn’t guess that she’d try her hand at NFTs, then perhaps you’re someone she could have fleeced. A press release reveals that Sorokin/”Delvey” is getting in on the craze, albeit a bit later than most did:
Holders of the Reinventing Anna NFT will get “access to Anna” and a select group of top holders will have access to coveted personal items from her time in prison and personal sketches drawn by Anna herself. Ten gold edition NFTs that are randomly minted will grant holders the privilage of a one on one call with Anna, and three ultra rare platinum edition NFT holders will get the opportunity to meet Anna in-person, as well as receive a package of personal items.
Sorokin/”Delvey”’s move into NFTs comes just in time for the drama around Seth Green’s stolen Bored Ape tokens. Great timing!