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Trump Has Reportedly Replaced Ivanka And Jared With Mike Lindell In His ‘Inner Circle’ Ahead Of A Possible Presidential Run

A recent Emerson College poll found that in a hypothetical 2024 match-up between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump for president, the former-guy has a 46 percent to 43 percent lead over the current-guy. The gap is even wider between Trump (45 percent) and Bernie Sanders (40 percent).

The next two years are going to be a nightmare — not that now is going great, either.

Anyway, as he gears up for another potential presidential run, Trump has reportedly kicked daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner out of his inner circle in favor of… Mike Lindell? Really? So much for being a “very high-quality person.”

“Trump has reduced his circle of advisers and expunged nearly every former aide who refused to embrace his view that the 2020 election was ‘stolen.’ He spends significant amounts of his time talking to luminaries of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement,” Jonathan Swan writes for Axios. That includes the MyPillow (and MyCoffee) founder, who has spent tens of millions of dollars trying to get Trump back into the White House. Lindell could have set the money on fire, and been equally successful.

Daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner are no longer involved in Trump’s political operation. Trump still talks to Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy but their relationship is not what it once was. The former president is no longer in close contact with a variety of former officials and GOP operatives who once had his ear.

The excommunicated crew including former senior adviser Hope Hicks, former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and former campaign manager Bill Stepien. You can probably add Mitch McConnell to the list, too, after Trump called him a “disloyal sleaze bag” in a meltdown for the ages.

Maybe Lindell is the one guy who can broker peace in the Middle East. Jared sure didn’t.

(Via Axios)