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Tucker Carlson Was Prouder Than A Toddler Using A Big Boy Potty That Fox News Didn’t Air Last Night’s Jan 6th Committee Hearing

Tucker Carlson really relishes being the most hated man in the room. On Thursday night, while millions of people were tuned into the second primetime January 6th hearing, Tucker was trying to act all cutesy by bragging about how Fox News was showing his pasty face instead of showing how the one-time president of the United States could not bring himself to say he lost an election that he lost.

Carlson told his viewers about how TV control rooms have a bank of monitors that allow them to see what other networks are broadcasting at any given time. And at that very moment, they were all showing the latest hearing from the January 6th committee. But Tucker no likey that. Feigning ignorance, he noted that every other channel was “playing some kind of January 6th hearing. January 6th?!… You know what happened on January 6th: Some guy in Viking horns wandered around on mushrooms and made weird noises and that was kind of it.”

He then mocked the idea of it being an “insurrection,” though he did note that “suddenly the insurrectionists had guns.” He then went on to claim that it “makes the people covering it feel like they lived through Vietnam,” then laughed maniacally at the “lifestyle liberal narcissism.”

Carlson should try telling that to the more than half a dozen people who lost their lives on that day. Or the Secret Service agents who were so afraid for their lives that they called their families to say goodbye.

Better yet, he should have had that same conversation with Josh Hawley, who was Carlson’s guest last night and the breakout star of the hearings. The tough guy Missouri senator, who famously showed the insurrectionists his support with a fist bump, became the hottest topic on social media when the January 6th committee shared footage of Hawley high-tailing it out of the Capitol building when the rioters he had just egged on breached his personal space.

Hawley’s response to being ruthlessly mocked by the world? To re-promote the mug of his infamous hand signal:
