There have been a lot of shocking and disturbing revelations during the Jan. 6 hearings, incriminating both former president Donald Trump and his many cronies. But one of them was both humiliating and damning. Josh Hawley, the Missouri senator who was seen fist-bumping Trump supporters before the riot, was caught on video making a mad dash out of the Capitol after it was attacked. It flew in the face of his continued attempts to downplay — even profit off of — that day. And now it’s inspired a race.
And we present…
Hawlin’ Hawley Virtual 5K! Join us from anywhere (Josh, you in VA?) and help Missouri make big strides
past this guy.
Register to join us next week: https://t.co/xY3bbjJBme
Oh, and don’t miss the next tweet – merch is comin’ along with more details! pic.twitter.com/xXMpouFQdB
— Missouri Democrats (@MoDemParty) July 22, 2022
Democrats from Missouri announced a “Hawlin’ Hawley 5K” race in honor of the senator’s latest public embarrassment. The race will be virtual, and it takes place from July 25 through the 31st. Tickets are $25, which will go to the state’s Democratic party, and those who participate are encouraged to share photos and video on social media.
“Let’s fundraise with as much vigor as Hawley’s cowardly hustle,” the group wrote. “While he might be going places in that video, he isn’t in real life.”
Missouri Democrats weren’t the only ones from Hawley’s home state to drag him over the newly released video. A paper from his hometown, the Kansas City Star, ran an editorial that called him a “fleeing coward,” and dragged his campaign for increased masculinity. “Twitter didn’t see much bravado as he ran from the mob on Luria’s video,” they wrote.
(Via Insider)