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Trevor Noah Is Outraged That The Choco Taco Is Being Discontinued While The Popsicle Still Exists: ‘They’re Just Dildos That Give You Brain Freeze’

When all the news is doom and gloom — heat waves and climate change and the death of democracy as we know it — it’s normal to hope for just one tiny positive bit of news. But if you were looking to Klondike to be the bearer of a happy headline, you’re shit out of luck. On Tuesday, the ice cream company announced that after 39 years, it’s killing off the Choco Taco… and Trevor Noah is not ok.

On Tuesday, The Daily Show host shared the sad news with his audience, who loudly booed him. But Noah assured pissed off fans of the frozen treat that he was equally outraged. “The Choco Taco is the perfect American fusion of cultures,” Noah opined. “It’s Mexican… and sugar.”

Even more ridiculous to Noah was how the Choco Taco could be ruthlessly ripped from our hungry little hands when something as bland as the Popsicle has just been sitting in freezers everywhere for more than a century. “How are you going to get rid of the Choco Taco before getting rid of the Popsicle?,” Noah demanded to know. “Nobody likes those. They’re just dildos that give you brain freeze. Come on!”

For their part, a representative for Klondike told CNN that the decision to kill off the taco-shaped-for-no-good-reason ice cream treat wasn’t an easy one for the company either. “Over the past two years, we have experienced an unprecedented spike in demand across our portfolio and have had to make very tough decisions to ensure availability of our full portfolio nationwide,” the rep told CNN Business. “We know this may be very disappointing,” they added, in the understatement of the year.

You can watch Noah’s eulogy for the ice cream confection above, beginning around the 1:15 mark.