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Trevor Noah Didn’t Think It Was That Funny That Trump May Have Buried Ivana On A Golf Course For A Tax ‘Scam’ (Well, Maybe It’s A Little Funny)

Over the weekend, while he was already being protested by families of 9/11 victims, Donald Trump found another way to be weird. That golf course wasn’t only playing host to a controversial Saudi tournament. It was also, it was revealed, the burial site of his first ex-wife, Ivana. Many wondered why he would do that. Some came up with one good reason: It might have been his attempt to cheat on taxes.

It’s not been confirmed if that’s the case or not, but Trump was widely dragged for the potential move. One of them was Trevor Noah, who used part of Monday night’s The Daily Show to take him to task.

Calling it “one of the wildest things ever,” Noah said when it comes to burying his late former spouse, Trump “may have managed to turn even that into a scam.” Trump’s golf club is located in Bedminster, New Jersey, and the Garden State has a law that even one burial plot can constitute a cemetery. And if one’s plot of land is designated as a cemetery, that means the owner is subject to all manner of tax breaks.

“A lot of people say, ‘I’ll pay taxes over my dead body!’ Trump means it. Just someone else’s body,” Noah cracked.

But, Noah said, it was no laughing matter. He called it “step too far” even for Trump, and that he “wouldn’t even laugh at” the idea of burying one’s wife in a golf course so as to save a couple bucks.

“If somebody said to me, ‘Donald Trump’s ex-wife died, he’s probably going to bury her on his golf course to save on taxes,’ I’d be like, ‘That’s not cool, man,’” Noah said. “But it turns out, Trump was like, ‘Say more…I’m going to send this to my accountant.’”

A little later in the segment, correspondent Desi Lydic came up with her own joke about Ivana Trump’s golf course internment. “God, I feel for all of Trump’s wives,” Lydic said. “Even in the afterlife, they still have to deal with his balls coming at them.”

Meanwhile, Trump was still being creatively strange on Monday, revealing one of the strangest endorsements in history.

You can watch the segment in the video above. The Trump business begins around the 6:35 mark.

(Via The Daily Beast)