Fortnite is maybe the greatest crossover experience ever made. While Epic Games’ free-to-play battle royale wasn’t originally designed to be a crossover experience, the influx of special characters from the fictional Naruto to the very real LeBron James has made it a unique gaming experience. Only in Fortnite will someone stumble across a gunfight between real life celebrities and fictional heroes while a giant muscled catman flexes in the corner, but that’s the bizarre experience Fortnite provides.
This only makes it fitting that the latest addition to Fortnite is going to be everyone’s favorite childhood anime series, Dragon Ball. In a short but very clear announcement on Twitter, Epic Games teased the introduction of Dragon Ball to its universe but didn’t give us much more detail than that. While it’s possible this crossover is going to stick to the show’s magical orbs, the Dragon Balls themselves, it feels like a safe bet that we’re probably going to get some playable characters as well.
Speak. Name your wish…8.16.2022 pic.twitter.com/IloBVI07AY
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) August 11, 2022
This is fun, because usually when Fortnite adds new licensed characters, the devs at Epic try to include something from that crossover to make it feel like they’re really joining Fortnite‘s bizarre expanded universe. I hope what this means is that soon everyone is going to be able to fire off kamehameha waves and turn Super Saiyan within the game. If that is the case, then at some point, we’re going to get a Super Saiyan LeBron James or Spider-Man and that’s a delightful thought.
As for why this crossover is only just now happening, we assume it has to do with the upcoming Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie releasing on August 19.