Republicans are no strangers to rank hypocrisy, but it’s not often that they lambast Democrats while doing the same thing. Such was the case Tuesday when Rick Scott — the former governor of Florida, who once mixed up the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance — decided to drag President Joe Biden for vacationing in Delaware…while vacationing from a yacht in Italy.
Another week of President Biden vacationing in Delaware vs. working at the White House.
If he loves to travel so much, I’ve got some suggestions as to where he should go next
— Rick Scott (@SenRickScott) August 22, 2022
The sitting senator slammed the president for doing a kind of working vacation a whopping 2 ½ hour drive from the White House. (He’s scheduled to announce his decision on student debt cancellation on Wednesday, for one.)
“Another week of President Biden vacationing in Delaware vs. working at the White House,” Scott tweeted. “If he loves to travel so much, I’ve got some suggestions as to where he should go next.” He then offered a poll with three choices. Hold on to your sides, they might just split: They were all “The Southern Border.”
There’s one little issue. Scott is chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. And his party isn’t doing so hot, with one under-performing congressional candidate after another getting into constant, creative hot water. Where was Scott while Dr. Mehmet Oz’s staff was saying grossly insensitive things about opponent John Fetterman’s health issues? As per Axios, he’s chilling on a luxury yacht in Italy.
Perhaps Scott forgot where he was. Whatever the case, people were happy to remind him about throwing stones at glass houses — especially when one’s glass house is quite a bit larger and swankier.
Rick Scott posted this from a yacht in Italy lol https://t.co/hfxQ2zyjuE https://t.co/U2v7sWLVXn
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 23, 2022
(Rick Scott is on a yacht in Italy) https://t.co/qqHi6ZiSMK
— Soledad O’Brien (@soledadobrien) August 23, 2022
Dude, you’re sitting on a yacht in Italy after incinerating $150 million of NRSC money.
Might want to sit this one out. https://t.co/xG2DgKHfdR
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 23, 2022
Literally tweeted by @SenRickScott from a luxury yacht in Italy. https://t.co/VAiyHEnD4V https://t.co/UrZmxZtNQ0
— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) August 23, 2022
Posted from a luxury yacht off the Italian coast lol schmuck https://t.co/t8b7kL78Sk
— Helen Kennedy
(@HelenKennedy) August 23, 2022
Yes this is Rick Scott tweeting from a luxury yacht in Italy while Republican senate candidates implode across battleground states. Priceless. https://t.co/SSH7WrbPAc
— John Anzalone (@JohnAnzo) August 23, 2022
How’s Italy, Senator Scott? Lovely place to be during the Florida Primary. https://t.co/68VYuU2QyI
— PerSisters (@PERSlSTERS) August 23, 2022
Can we stop saying a president isn’t working if he isn’t sitting in the Oval Office? They have staff, computers, phones, etc. with them everywhere they go.
This is a stupid attempted dunk & even stupider when the guy tweeting it is on a freaking yacht in Italy right now.
— Sarah Rumpf
(@rumpfshaker) August 23, 2022
This fucker is currently on vacation in Italy BTW https://t.co/5rTpWseffW
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) August 23, 2022
Says the Senator who is apparently vacationing on a luxury yacht in Italy. https://t.co/3dYBleaMG5
— Joe Neguse (@JoeNeguse) August 23, 2022
tweeted from a yacht in Italy https://t.co/v9fEkPGw13
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) August 23, 2022
It’s not the first time Scott has been credibly accused of hypocrisy. Last year, he dragged Biden’s then-named “Build Back Better” plan, only to get called out for supporting Donald Trump’s super-pricey tax cuts, which only helped the wealthy anyway.
(Via Axios)