If the FBI needs to return to Mar-a-Lago to retrieve more classified material, they might want to head underground. In what is largely a matter of pure coincidence, a new book reveals info that has been staring the world in the face for nearly a century: Donald Trump’s Palm Beach home and golf club has underground tunnels connecting its buildings, with one leading directly to the sea.
It may be news to some that there is a tunnel underneath Mar-a-Lago. But the resort is on the National Register of Historic Places and the design plans are accessible via Library of Congress website https://t.co/IAlV2PIpMP https://t.co/SfYw0QmxzQ pic.twitter.com/NxJK4dGaMj
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) August 25, 2022
As The Week reports, this little nugget of news is mentioned in Andrew Kirtzman’s upcoming book, Giuliani: The Rise and Tragic Fall of America’s Mayor. Earlier this week, The Guardian revealed that the book tells the story of how Rudy Giuliani’s failed presidential run in 2008 hit the former New York City mayor pretty hard. So much so that Rudy fell into a deep depression and began drinking to excess, according to his then-wife Judith. It was Trump, of all people, who helped Giuliani heal. “We moved into Mar-a-Lago and Donald kept our secret,” Judith told Kirtzman. But it was a tiny detail noted in the story that has sparked a lot of people’s imagination. As Martin Pengelly wrote in The Guardian:
The former mayor and his wife, Kirtzman writes, moved into a bungalow across the street from Mar-a-Lago but connected by a tunnel underneath South Ocean Boulevard, one of many little known passages and rooms beneath the expansive resort. The secret route allowed the couple to come and go from Trump’s home without the media knowing.
Underground tunnel? While the floor plans for the sprawling estate have been available through the Library of Congress for years, this is the first many had heard about the passageways. And Twitter, as always, had some thoughts…
Sooooo, there are secret tunnels under Mar-a-Lago. Are there cameras in those tunnels? pic.twitter.com/5sqm44dNHW
— Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) August 25, 2022
Rudy Giuliani said the stolen documents were ‘roughly as safe’ in Mar-a-Lago as they would’ve been otherwise. Did know know a teenager snuck into Mar-a-Lago through the underground tunnels in November 2018? https://t.co/xzvOi4huwd
— Don Lewis (@DonLew87) August 25, 2022
Tunnels under Mar-a-Lago?! This is very, VERY, concerning…@FBI are y’all aware of this?!
I’m curious who else has used these Tunnels and how much of the Classified Documents they secretly had access to. #TrumpIsAThreatToNationalSecurity#TrumpTreasonhttps://t.co/L77VQ19GMr—
Warrior Mode/Nasty Woman
(@Crazy_Mama_G) August 25, 2022
Were the underground tunnels at Mar-A-Lago designed to smuggle drugs in, nuclear secrets out, or for when he inevitably has to flee the country?
— Hamish Mitchell (@H_MitchellPhoto) August 25, 2022
Someone better check Mar-a-Lago’s secret tunnels for the Russian extraction team!
— Swintonlad (@Swintonlad3) August 26, 2022
Just learning there are tunnels under Mar-A-Lago, one of which goes to the sea. What documents may have been smuggled out of MAL through tunnels? https://t.co/twVXD9QteV
— Michael J. Evans (@EvansMichaelJ) August 25, 2022
I can help. I’m Adjunct Professor at Trump Univ GMT Dept of Geography & Mappy Things. The tunnels of Mar-A-Lago start at Thigh Land, snake around shithole countries of Somolia & Nambia, past Klandestein & Yo Semite & Two Nebraskas, ending at Button & Nipple#WorstPresidentEver pic.twitter.com/MEQjh5MyAE
— Tomi T Ahonen Reinstated Host Of Rat Bingo (@tomiahonen) August 26, 2022
Does anyone want to discuss why there are tunnels under Mar-a-Lago? At least one of them leads to the sea. https://t.co/3GUFTZsf2t
— Andrew C Laufer, Esq (@lauferlaw) August 25, 2022
Since Trump & Rudy utilized tunnels under Mar a Lago can I start calling him ‘El Crapo’ @GOP
— NoelCaslerComedy (@caslernoel) August 25, 2022
For the last time. I was not in the tunnels with the honorable Sir Rudibald von Buttdial. I have never even been in the tunnels of Mar-A-Lago carrying top secret documents for Trump with Rudy Giuliani to a North Korean submarine at night. That was not me! And that was not my hat! https://t.co/4VYjFjEkod pic.twitter.com/kepqdLhgIx
— Tomi T Ahonen Reinstated Host Of Rat Bingo (@tomiahonen) August 26, 2022
Rudy Giuliani greeting Mar-a-Lago guests at the tunnels entrance. pic.twitter.com/jiTuRHVAja
— Matt Akers (@mattakersmusic) August 26, 2022
(Via The Week)