Shaquille O’Neal is a flat earther. Well, he’s either a flat earth person or he has a lot of fun doing a bit, but here is what he said about the matter back in 2017 when Kyrie Irving made headlines for expressing his belief that the world is flat.
“It’s true. The Earth is flat,” O’Neal said. “There’s three ways to manipulate the mind: What you read, what you see, and what you hear. In school, first thing they teach us, ‘Oh, Columbus discovered America.’ But when you got there, it was some fair-skinned people with long hair smoking on peace pipes. So what does that tell you?”
Anyway, Shaq is decidedly at it again, as he appeared on an Australian radio show this week and got asked about this. When asked if it was real or a joke, Shaq said “it’s a theory” before diving into why, exactly, he posited this theory. It involves flying, and also, he has a bonus theory involving a lake.
NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal reveals why he thinks the earth is FLAT pic.twitter.com/dwJFPvqVGN
(@Intent_B) August 25, 2022
“For example, I flew 20 hours today, not once did I go this way, I didn’t go straight,” Shaq said. “I didn’t tip over, I didn’t go upside-down.
“It’s still a straight line, you don’t go under,” Shaq said. “Another theory, how they said the world is spinning? I’ve been living in a house on a lake for 30 years, not once did the lake rotate to the left or rotate to the right.”
The most important thing here is this clip gives us reason to post the funniest moment in Inside the NBA history, which is the time Shaq asked how long of a flight it is to the moon.