Britney Spears’ Instagram has been deactivated for a short while now, during which time she has instead been more active on Twitter. Now, though, Spears has returned to Instagram and in her first post back shared last night (September 1), she addresses her sons Jayden and Preston, telling them about her nude photos, their father Kevin Federline, motherhood, and more.
She starts, “I’ve tried my best at being the best person I can be … to be basically held hostage in homes under nurses and bullsh*t I hope my kids one day understand my reasoning of my play in water revealing myself as any woman would being held under blankets and supervision under the conservatorship !!! Finally at 40 without the restraints of what my family did to me …”
Spears also noted of Federline, “I helped your father who hasn’t had a job in 15 years … I assume it is easier for you guys not to have someone check on you to make sure you’re doing your homework !!!! I’m sure the standards of your dad smoking weed every day benefits your daily life at 15 and 16 to partake in a VERY COOL GENERATION !!!”
Read Spears’ full post below.
“I’ve tried my best at being the best person I can be … to be basically held hostage in homes under nurses and bullsh*t I hope my kids one day understand my reasoning of my play in water revealing myself as any woman would being held under blankets and supervision under the conservatorship !!! Finally at 40 without the restraints of what my family did to me …
I say to my son Jayden that I send all the love in the world to you every day for the rest of my life !!!! My love for my children has no boundaries and it deeply saddens me to know his outcry of saying I wasn’t up to his expectations of a mother … and maybe one day we can meet face to face and talk about this openly !!!! Maybe dear child YOU can explain to me why our family would do that to anyone !!!!
I helped your father who hasn’t had a job in 15 years … I assume it is easier for you guys not to have someone check on you to make sure you’re doing your homework !!!! I’m sure the standards of your dad smoking weed every day benefits your daily life at 15 and 16 to partake in a VERY COOL GENERATION !!! I completely understand your need to live with your father as I had to play the perfect role for 15 years for absolutely nothing. I’m so happy I was able to carry 4 tours, judge X Factor and WAAAY more … I did that for you.
And Preston … I’m aware of your gift … I know you’re a teacher in my life and dear child I’m a teacher for you as well !!! It’s horrible to see your dad be a hypocrite and say the media is horrible yet he has you talking about personal matters to them !!! If you could pause for a second remember where you came from !!! I hope you can look in the mirror and remember … you are my child and always will be !!!! Since Preston didn’t speak, I send my love !!! I would love nothing more than to see you two face to face. Keep playing your gift on the piano … you and your brother both are brilliant and I’m so proud to call you both mine.
As for my mental health … my dear child understand you must learn to pick up a book and read one before you resort to even thinking about my intellect sweetheart !!! Tell your father to go try and at least mow the lawn …
Psss if you can honestly sit back and say with your sensible brilliant mind what memaw and paw paw did to me was fine and call them not bad people … then yes I have failed as a mother and hopefully that’s a chat for you and your father to sit face to face and try to learn WHAT’S GOOD.”