Like father, like son. After a jam-packed day full of several major bands performing at the Foo Fighters‘ Taylor Hawkins Tribute show in London, Hawkins’ 16-year-old-son Shane joined the band to close the day.
Taylor Hawkins’ 16-year-old son, Shane, does his father proud as he sits behind the kit for @FooFighters‘ performance of “My Hero.”#FooFighters #TaylorHawkinsTributepic.twitter.com/PU705CpO2R
— CONSEQUENCE (@consequence) September 3, 2022
In the above video, Shane Hawkins can be seen taking up the drumset while the Foo Fighters perform “My Hero.” Though it was a clearly emotional moment, it is equally as exciting to see Shane pay homage to his father in such an appropriate way.
The Taylor Hawkins Tribute show was host to many different acts, namely members of AC/DC, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Liam Gallagher, and a special performance by Them Crooked Vultures, marking their first live appearance in over 12 years.
Dave Chappelle also made an appearance at the show, recalling the time he was a guest on Saturday Night Live on the same evening the Foo Fighters perform. The comedian told a story of how he was backstage at a Foo Fighters show as Madison Square Garden and met a younger Shane Hawkins.
“The kid said, ‘I want to be a drummer, like my father.’ In that room, in Madison Square Garden, even though I met Foo Fighters many nights, I felt like I met [Taylor] for the first time… It was my first time seeing [Taylor] being a dad. And what a cool f*cking dad.”
Check out footage of Shane Hawkins joining Foo Fighters onstage above.