Don’t Worry Darling got off to such a good start. It’s Olivia Wilde’s directorial follow-up to Booksmart. It had that super sexy trailer, which was supposed to be even sexier. But over the last few weeks what was supposed to be a sure thing has been plagued with bad press. When it finally debuted this weekend at the Venice Film Festival, it scored not very good reviews, as well as a pretty awkward press conference, which its star Florence Pugh decided to skip. But one actor to stayed knew how to handle it: he zoned the eff out.
chris pine during #DontWorryDarling press conference issa whole mood pic.twitter.com/yryNf1gQGd
— elsa (@mcclafloy) September 5, 2022
Chris Pine — who plays some guru loosely modeled on pseudo-intellectual incel champ Jordan Peterson — showed up at the presser looking pretty fly, with long blonde locks. He looked handsome in the photos, but he also looked…detached. He didn’t look drugged-up, but he looked like he had decided to self-disassociate from a press to-do in which journalists were reportedly not allowed to address a number of large, controversial elephants in the room. He either looked zen or he looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.
The photos scored a lot of jokes, with some worried about him.
somebody get chris pine outta there #Venezia79 pic.twitter.com/zmYxmvpbka
— bethany (@fiImgal) September 5, 2022
This is a lotta look for Chris Pine pic.twitter.com/PQCOjlc3ff
— Kyle Buchanan (@kylebuchanan) September 5, 2022
Worry? I’m not even here, darling.
Caption: Chris Pine astral projecting at Venice Film Festival. September 5, 2022. pic.twitter.com/qSU1XbTWDp
— Richard Newby (@RICHARDLNEWBY) September 5, 2022
this was 3rd degree torture for Chris pine pic.twitter.com/4TFOb93Y9N
FAITH IN THE FUTURE 1ST TRACK (@amitheonlyone_n) September 5, 2022
chris i’m gonna get you out of there i promise pic.twitter.com/WOvIpIxXHJ
— ًazhar (@mcstardently) September 5, 2022
Chris like: https://t.co/zWz9pqt9d7 pic.twitter.com/Yq2Xutf0dS
— briana
(@mhysabri) September 5, 2022
Chris Pine is getting so many extra points in the White Chris rankings for politely enduring this whole fiasco. https://t.co/9F95VGMhoo
— Cheryl Lynn Eaton (@cheryllynneaton) September 5, 2022
The once and future Captain Kirk may have seemed out-of-it at the press conference, but the red carpet was a whole other story. He had a disposable camera, a different outfit, he looked like he was having fun.
chris pine with the disposable camera taking pictures of florence pugh is something that can be so personal pic.twitter.com/7AwpO0xBJI
— it was rachatha all along (@RachelLeishman) September 5, 2022
Florence Pugh and Chris Pine at the world premiere of DON’T WORRY DARLING in Venice. pic.twitter.com/GMf88jAZOL
— FILM CRAVE (@fiImcrave) September 5, 2022
Chris Pine 100% unbothered by his movie’s tabloid backchatter, putting him well into the lead on the Best Chris horserace pic.twitter.com/JtlGjovcUU
Phil Nobile Jr.
(@PhilNobileJr) September 5, 2022
Throw this in with other recent cinema happenings — like Tom Cruise almost killing himself for a mere CinemaCon intro and Brendan Fraser getting an epic standing ovation for The Whale — and it seemed like all was well with the movies once more.
chris pine disassociating at a press conference, florence pugh showing up 15 mins late with an aperol spritz, tom cruise clinging to a plane and saying “see you at the movies!”, brendan fraser getting a six minute ovation…maybe cinema really is back
— mon iver
(@waystarroyhoe) September 5, 2022
Don’t Worry Darling hits theaters on September 23.