Remember when Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins said she was going to make” the greatest fighter pilot movie ever made?” Well, it is looking unlikely. In 2020, it was announced that Jenkins would direct Rogue Squadron, a Star Wars film about fighter pilots. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney has removed Rogue Squadron from its release calendar, suggested without confirming that the film is canceled. The film was scheduled to hit theaters on December 22, 2023. Jenkins would have been the first woman to direct a Star Wars film. It was also expected to be the first Star Wars feature film since (I’m sorry to say it) 2019’s Rise of Skywalker.
Back in December 2020 when the film was announced, Jenkins was thrilled to join the franchise. “It ignited a desire in me to turn all of that tragedy and thrill into one day making the greatest fighter pilot movie of all time,” she said in an announcement video. But try as I might and look as I did, I couldn’t find the right story, ever,” Jenkins said, changing out of those skates on what looks like a runway of some kind. “I kept looking and looking but I just couldn’t find the right one. Until now.”
Rogue Squadron has had a tricky journey in its development journey, with scheduling conflicts slowing its early stages as a result of Jenkins’ busy schedule. In addition to directing Wonder Woman 3, Jenkins is directing a Cleopatra film also starring Gal Gadot. Being too busy to direct a Star Wars film? That’s icon behavior, despite how bad Wonder Woman 1984 was.
(Via THR)