Halloween 2022 looks to be the first “normal” one since 2019, before the pandemic gave everyone a real scare. It’s pretty crazy to remember that in 2020, some places didn’t allow trick-or-treating at all.
For the first big Halloween in years, it’s time to make a bold statement by being the one home on the block that isn’t just decorated with big spiders, ghosts or tombstones. Now’s the time to give people a scare they’ll never forget.
Horror is all about the element of surprise, and here are nine out-of-the-box outdoor Halloween decorations that will make a real impression on your neighbors this Halloween.
1. Scary Hanging Cocoon Corpse was $29.99, now $23.99
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
If a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and turns into a butterfly, what does a dead human turn into after being wrapped up in a tight silk envelope? Your neighbors’ imaginations will run wild when they see this eerie cocoon hanging on your lawn but they probably won’t want to see what happens next.
2. Dead Body in a Bag $12.99
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
This body in a bag is a pretty simple Halloween prop. But it’s exactly what everyone is afraid of running into, whether it’s in a dumpster or washed up on the banks of the Hudson River. The true freakiness about this prop is that it could be real.
3. Spider Egg Sacs $23.99
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
Spider egg sacs are super scary because, much like the human cocoon we mentioned earlier, it’s all about potential. What kind of spiders are in those sacs? Black widows? Tarantulas? Brown recluses? Everybody wants to know, but no one wants to find out the hard way.
4. Blow-Up Rainbow Skeleton Unicorn Arch Gate was $65.99, now $59.99
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
Ever wondered what would happen if Rainbow Dash from “My Little Pony” had her wings clipped and she fell out of the magical skies of Ponyville? Now you can follow Rainbow’s magical trip through the afterlife with this 11-foot-tall blow-up arch gate sure to make your neighbors super confused.
5. Tree-Hugging Ghost $26.99
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
You know that Halloween is getting scary when ghosts are holding on for dear life. Horror is all about the imagination and what in the world is so terrible that it would freak out something that’s already dead? Give your neighbors something horrifying to ponder this Halloween with this cute, frightened ghost.
6. Angry Flaming Tree $49.99
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
These solar-powered flaming trees will scare the bejesus out of trick-or-treaters as they attempt to make it up your walkway to get some treats. The flaming trees are solar-powered so they come on once the sun goes down.
7. Hanging Animated Talking Pirate Skeleton $35.99
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
This six-foot-tall hanging pirate looks like an extra from “Pirates of the Caribbean.” But instead of singing about the joy of life on the seven seas, he’ll surprise your neighbors as they walk by your house by yelling, “Scared you, didn’t I?”
8. Wrong-Way Tree-Crashing Witch $25.99
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
This witch should have asked for directions. Instead, she’s done a face plant into a tree on your lawn. Your neighbors will get a good laugh from this elaborate comedy prop before they are traumatized by one of the other terrifying things you find on this list.
9. Talking Clown Ghost $35.99
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
This 50-inch hanging talking clown ghost looks a lot like Pennywise from the “It” movies and is sure to give a huge fright to the folks who dare come down your block on Halloween. “Come closer, I got something for you and it is not a balloon” the clown will scream at your neighbors as they pray they make it through the night alive.
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