Unlike Ned Stark losing his head in the ninth episode of Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon skipping forward 10 years in episode six isn’t exactly a spoiler. The cast and crew have been up front about it, to give people time to prepare for seeing the last of Milly Alcock and Emily Carey, who play the younger versions of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower, respectively (Emma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke will take over). I’m still not ready, but at least we still have Matt Smith, who is so damn good on the show.
The actor appeared on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, where he discussed the upcoming decade-forward jump on House of the Dragon — and how it should be the show’s last. “Once we make the jump, we’re in,” Smith said. “I’m pretty sure from then on there’s not any big huge time jumps, particularly next season and the one after.”
House of the Dragon has a three- or four-season plan, so Smith is probably not being a sneaky little liar here. But if he is, this is the last time I trust an incestual prince in a bad wig. That’ll be tough, too. You can’t walk outside without running into of them these days.
You can listen to the podcast below.
Matt Smith is back on #happysadconfused talking #HouseoftheDragon! Plus abundant Keanu Reeves, Claire Foy, Star Wars, and dog talk. That’s how we do it. https://t.co/M6NRbw1Avf
— Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz) September 22, 2022
(Via Screenrant)