In an effort to rein in the bombastic Alex Jones, who has become increasingly unhinged in court, his attorney advised the InfoWars host to take the day off from testifying on Friday to “lower the temperature.” Jones heeded his lawyer’s counsel, but not before holding yet another impromptu press conference on the courtroom steps where he proceeded to berate reporters and potentially poison the jury box.
The red-faced Jones yelled at reporters that he’s being barred from telling the truth by the court proceedings, which he’s accused of being part of a corporatist media plot against him. In reality, Jones’ own lawyer has prohibited him from revealing his true financial worth. Via The Daily Beast:
“Everything I’m saying here, I’m barred from saying in there,” Jones ranted, calling the proceedings a “show trial” that wouldn’t be out of place in North Korea. (In reality, Bellis prohibited Jones from saying certain things about the financial state of his immensely popular Infowars webcast, since he refused to participate in the discovery process.)
“Basically it would be like a boxing match where one guy has his arms tied behind his back and a gag in his mouth,” Jones claimed, falsely. “So this is totally rigged. It’s an absolute, total fraud.”
The conspiracy theorist ended his rant by encouraging everyone to “do their own research,” specifically at, you guessed it, InfoWars.com.
“They want your free speech. They want your guns. They want your whole world. They want your whole life. But at the end of the day, America is waking up to them and the deep state,” Jones said. “All right, guys—Infowars.com.”
However, the part about doing your own research caused yet another headache for Jones’ attorney inside the courtroom, according to The Daily Beast. The plaintiff’s attorney argued that the jury, who was on recess, may have heard Jones’ rant outside. When the jury returned, the judge instructed them not to listen to Jones.
“You do need to follow my instructions, and I’m very confident that you will,” the judge told the jury before announcing that she will be enacting a “zero tolerance” policy for contempt of court violators. You can probably guess who she was talking about.
(Via The Daily Beast)