Don’t Worry Darling is the number one movie in America, grossing more than double the re-release of the biggest ever moneymaker (not adjusted for inflation, of course). Did it do that thanks to all the bizarre gossip and social media nonsense surrounding it? Probably, at least in part. But just as “spitgate” turned out to (almost certainly) be bunk, crew members of the ‘50s-set psychological thriller are claiming all that the same can be said about all that on-set drama that’s filled tabloids.
Forty members of the film’s crew and production team signed a statement sent to People, disputing some of the more lurid claims about a tumultuous set. One of those involves star Florence Pugh getting into a shouting match with director Olivia Wilde, who, a source told Vulture, “would just disappear” from set with co-star/maybe paramour Harry Styles. Not so, said the statement.
“As a crew, we’ve avoided addressing the absurd gossip surrounding the movie we’re so proud of, but feel the need to correct the anonymous ‘sources’ quoted in a recent article,” the statement begins. “Any allegations about unprofessional behavior on the set of Don’t Worry Darling are completely false.”
That includes the claim that wound up published by Vulture. “There was never a screaming match between our director and
anyone, let alone a member of our cast,” the statement reads.
The signed crew also praised Wilde, calling her “an incredible leader and director who was present with and involved in every aspect of production,” and that she “ran this set with class and respect for everyone involved.”
Their denials were backed up by Miri Yoon, a producer on the film. “Rumors of screaming matches between our director and leading lady on set are completely unfounded,” Yoon told People. “We truly hope you enjoy the movie.”
As Don’t Worry Darling went from highly anticipated to unexpectedly controversial, it’s been hard to tell where the truth lies. When Pugh abruptly pulled out of the press tour, heads turned. They turned again when she took to social media to gush about the film. Still, at least everyone had fun turning a video clip of Styles purportedly (but probably not) hocking a loogie into fellow cast member Chris Pine’s lap into the most examined footage since the Zapruder film.
(Via People)