Rosalía celebrated her 30th birthday over the weekend. On Saturday (September 24), the Spanish pop star’s fans added to her birthday festivities while she was performing at the Global Citizen Festival: NYC.
Rosalía turned 30 yesterday on September 25. Her fans kicked off the festivities a day earlier during her performance at the Global Citizen Festival: NYC. While Rosalía was in between songs, the fans surprised her by singing “Happy Birthday” to her. She flashed a big smile and blew kisses to her fans while thanking them for the unexpected moment.
Durante la presentación de @Rosalia en el #GlobalCitizenFestival , el público le ha cantado el “Cumpleaños Feliz”. pic.twitter.com/thV5IiBRnp
— MOTOMAMI TOUR (@MOTOMAMlTOUR) September 24, 2022
Rosalía was the only Spanish-language artist among the headliners at this year’s Global Citizen Festival: NYC. Her set included included hits from her critically-acclaimed album Motomami like “La Fama,” “Candy,” and “Hentai.” Last week, she became the most-nominated female artist at this year’s Latin Grammy Awards with eight nominations. The Motomami LP received an additional nomination in a technical category.
Rosalía also celebrated her birthday yesterday with close friends, including her boyfriend Rauw Alejandro. In a picture with her birthday cake, she wrote on Twitter, “Today is my birthday. Libra since 92 acting up. Happy to be with my close ones. Thankful for everything I’ve learned and all the love I’ve received.” Alejandro later wrote on Twitter, “I love you Rosalía. Happy birthday bebe.”
HOY es mi cumpleEEE
!!! Libra desde el 92 dando guerra hoy feliz de estar con los míos agradecida x todo lo aprendido y todo el amor recibido NO VOY A bajarle hasta q DIOS digaaaaaa pic.twitter.com/cs82iBmD8F
— R O S A L Í A (@rosalia) September 25, 2022
Te Amo @rosalia happy birthday bebe
— RAULEETO (@rauwalejandro) September 25, 2022
Alejandro is tied with Rosalía with eight nominations of his own at this year’s Latin Grammy Awards. Bad Bunny leads the 2022 nominees with 10 nominations.