Turning 30 marks the beginning of pure adulthood. Gone are the days making the same questionable choices from our 20s, and our stupid teenage years are even more a relic of the past. This is the time when Mother Nature says, “I’m not joking around, it’s time to take some things seriously. Like, for real.”
As friend groups shrink and waistlines expand, not to mention as careers or lifestyles go through major changes, the fourth decade can feel a bit overwhelming. Especially as there’s still the misconception that somehow, as if by magic, you’ll have everything figured out by that 30th birthday. And if it hasn’t, then it’s too late. Talk about pressure.
In truth, we’re always just figuring things out and we move along. Thirties are no different. But it does help to traverse this new territory with knowledge. Luckily, the internet is a great place to crowdsource that sort of thing.
A Reddit user (perhaps a brave 29-year-old) recently asked the online forum, “What is your advice for somebody entering their 30s?”
People gave some amazing answers. Unsurprisingly, health (of all kinds) was a popular topic. But there were also a lot of unexpected gems, particularly when it comes to dealing with the “hard stuff.” Our 30s might be challenging, but with them come their own special rewards.
Check out these 14 bits of wisdom. Even if you’re well into your 30s—or beyond them—they offer some valuable reminders.
“Life is not over. Not married yet & want to be??? Still time to find a decent partner, & your experience & maturity can help.” – @Bakanasharkyblahaj
“Friends will make kids and settle down – make sure to visit them and don’t shy away from playdates and birthday parties.” – @theteenyemperor
“You should have started planning for your 50’s about 5 years ago. Get to it. And by planning, I don’t mean just retirement. Obviously retirement, but also getting to know yourself and what you want to do with your life. You have to be honest with yourself, find out what ACTUALLY matters for you, and start working towards that. Get rid of the dumb notions you had when you were a teenager. Find your balance between spiritual and material things. Not talking about religion, but social connections, feelings, experiences. Friends and family are important, as is material comfort.” – @robervalladraodeChoc
“Don’t worry if you haven’t achieved your life goals or decided what career you want by now, it’ll come soon. I didn’t start Uni (nursing school) until my early 30’s. Spent a few years traveling the world first.” – @I-stop-pucks
“Hate to be the one to bring this up, but start mentally preparing for the inevitable major loss events that will soon begin to accumulate in your life. If you don’t have a healthy perspective regarding death, start working on that asap. See a therapist if necessary. Losing your parents is the first big one for most.” – @Captainmikkl

“If your friend group hasn’t already got smaller, be ready for it to. Don’t take it personally. Some people just don’t have the energy to hang out as much as they used to and others are entering different phases of their life like moving, different careers, or even procreating for some reason.” – @Drrodeze
“If you keep it up in another ten years you can do the 40s.” – @Theymakemewearpants
“Stretch. Moisturize. Start accumulating cash.” – @Sea-type694

“If you have unresolved issues or find yourself ruminating over shit that happened years ago, go and see a therapist.” – @noodlefishmonkey
“Enjoy. When I turned 30 I became confident enough to stop auditioning what I wanted to say in my head first in case it sounded stupid and just say it. Life became a lot more fun.” – @Markedmo
“Take care of your teeth. By the time you’re in your 30s tooth decay starts to be a problem. Brush and floss regularly. Go to a dentist twice a year. Keep on top of this. It’s easier to fix tooth decay problems early on, before they become a crisis.” – @Hyndis
“Have fun! Too many people treat their 30s like their lives are over, but in reality, they can be a lot like your 20s – just with more money and experience, and ideally less worrying about what others think of you. Pandemic aside I’ve loved my 30s so far (38 now). Never had more fun.” – @Zenstation83
“Start taking care of yourself and make it a habit. Getting to your late 30s and realising you are putting on weight, have a sore back and can’t run 100 feet without getting out of breath sucks. If you work an office job, just make the gym a regular routine and make sure you stretch.” – @Devrij68

“Things get harder as they get easier. But you’re in a position to handle it and you have the experience and knowledge to keep going where this happening to you in your twenties would have been catastrophic. You’ll spend these years finding what makes you happy, realizing you’ve been chasing probably the wrong thing. Be ready to pivot, restart, readjust, and be open and communicating with those in your life as you go through your joys and challenges. This is a transformative decade.” – @Orbax